Blank Canvas

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Maybe I should just kill myself.

That was a joke. But, coming out of the shower that morning and looking at my painfully dry phone, then looking out my window to observe my painfully dry community, and reflecting on how painfully dry my life was, made me contemplate death just a bit.

Summer had only just begun, but I could already feel the cycle repeating itself. I always found myself trapped in this cycle of boredom and loneliness everytime summer came around. But, I just recently turned eighteen. Finally a full grown man. And now, an urge began to manifest within me. I was itching for a disruption in my daily-life.

So, I threw on a white t-shirt that was a little oversized and matched it with some baggy jean shorts. Not my typical fashion style, but I looked good. I looked at myself in the mirror, slightly messing with my hair, and let out a deep sigh.

I then shuffled downstairs and put on my favorite pair of white sneakers. I placed my headphones around my neck and let my mom know that I was going out for a walk.

The sky was cloudy, which only added to the gloomy appearance of my neighborhood. There were no children playing in the street, either. It was probably because all the old heads that live here believe that bad things happen when people get caught in bad weather.

However, there I was. Roaming the streets in search of anything that could actualize the desires laying latent within me. I looked around as I walked, noticing how identical one house was to the other. Each home was the same small, 2000s brick-home style with a small oak tree planted in the front yard. I chuckled softly. How was I supposed to find excitement living in a place like this? Giving up, I turned around and walked back home.

Right before I reached my house, I noticed a gray, old-model Chevy Impala parked outside of the home next-door to mine. The home had been vacant for the past few months, so I was surprised that someone finally bought the place. At a distance, I peeked through the windows to see if I could find any signs of life. None.

Oh, well. I'll probably run into them soon. I thought, walking home.

Before bed that night, I did a mini core-workout. Slightly out of breath at the end, I got up to close my window curtains. It was then that I noticed a girl sitting at her window brushing her straight, long black hair. I was utterly mesmerized. She radiated an elegant and mature energy. She wore a short, pink pajama set that brought out her olive skin tone. As I observed her, I felt a deep shift in my body and a slight tingling sensation. I felt a pull that pierced the boring cycle in my life that I abhorred. I knew at that moment that I had found the color in my life.

Suddenly, the girl stopped abruptly and turned her face to my window. I quickly ducked, feeling shy. I eventually raised my head up slightly and saw that her curtains were closed. I frowned, letting out a soft sigh. However, I went to bed that night determined to make a better move next time.

The next day, I sprung out of my bed and looked out my window. I was hoping to see the girl again, but her curtains were still closed. The old Chevy I noticed yesterday wasn't parked in the driveway either. So, I assumed she wasn't home.

To make use of the time while I waited, I played video games and ate some snacks. At about twelve noon, I made my way downstairs to bother my mom and dad for no reason.

It's an only-child thing.

At about two-thirty, I did a set of push-ups to get my daily pump in. And finally at five-fifteen in the evening, after growing impatient, I looked out my window and saw my new neighbor's curtains opened.

She was sitting at her desk writing something down. She looked up from her journal and noticed me. I smiled awkwardly and waved. She stared at me for what felt like an eternity. Her eyes lingered on mine, tracing the lines of my face with quiet intensity. And with a blink, our eye contact broke and she went back to recording in her journal.

My heart started racing. With every pounding heartbeat, my determination grew. I knew I had to talk to her, but how? I slumped in my bed and came up with various plans in my head.

After a moment of thinking, I ran downstairs and made a food basket, taking all the snacks and fruits in my kitchen.

I'll let my mom yell at me later.

I later left my house and slowly approached my new neighbor's home. I knocked at her door and waited patiently. A few minutes passed, and there was no response. I looked up at her window, confused, when the front door finally opened.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Oh, I just noticed you moved in. I live over there," I said confidently, pointing at my house. "My name's Tyler by the way."

"Tyler, do you know who I am?" She asked me.

Her voice was soft like a melody. However, there was a chilling feeling in her tone. I hadn't even done anything yet. Did she already not like me?

"Um, N-No. we don't know each other yet. I just wanted to bring this basket to welcome you and your family to the neighborhood."

She took the basket from my hands. "Are you sure you don't know me from anywhere? I've noticed you staring at me from your window multiple times."

"Oh, I must not have noticed. I'm sorry about that."

Her eyes were fixed on the basket. She was in deep thought. The evening breeze swept in and blew her hair majestically. I watched as she slowly lifted her eyes and met mine. She smiled and millions of stars suddenly appeared in her dark brown eyes.

"I'm Michaela. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too." Trying to take advantage of the moment, I said, "I'd love to hang out sometime."

Her smile faded, and she responded with a passive "we'll see."

Michaela then went inside and closed her door shut. I did a few stupid celebratory moves that if she had seen them, I would have been embarrassed. But, I was happy. It felt like I had taken a step closer towards a more exciting life.

A Summer's DisruptionWhere stories live. Discover now