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"Hellooooo" you said as you opened the door to the poetry club to see Kazuha sitting at a table, seemingly writing.

"Finally, you were able to drop by" Kazuha said as you gave him a small hug.

Kazuha has been your friend since you guys were kids, so he was the closest friend you had. However, he was a year older than you so you guys weren't in the same classes, so you would often stop by the poetry club or the library where he usually can be found.

"Sorryyy, I was a little busy" you said as you sat down next to him.

"Busy with what, I mean you don't have any friends" Kazuha said as he giggled. You playfully hit him and said "Hey, I do have other friends you know!"

I mean he wasn't completely wrong, you had a few acquaintances but nobody quite as close as the two of you were.

It's not like you had a bad reputation in the school either. You were seen as one of those girls that could effortlessly be popular, but you didn't pay much attention to anyone, you didn't think it was worth it. You were rather reserved but energetic with the people you liked.

"Is it really that bad that I don't have any good friends" you said with your head rested on your hand. "Well I don't think it would hurt to have more friends, but obviously they won't be as wonderful as me" Kazuha said playfully and you giggled in response.

"Okay, by the end of this week I'll definitely have made at least one friend and If I don't well... I guess I'll buy you lunch or something" you said rolling your eyes.

"We'll see about that" Kazuha said playfully messing with your hair.


You were walking with a tall ginger-haired boy and a brown-haired girl with two pig tails. These were two friends of yours that you hoped to become closer to, but you needed to find someone new that was worth struggling for.

As you and your two friends walked you eventually made it to your destination, the cafeteria.

You sat down with the two of them and while they were talking their heads off, you were concentrated on a boy with blue-ish black hair and the most gorgeous eyes you had ever seen. They were verdant with some amber.

"GUYSSS who is that? Why have I never seen him before?" you said disrupting their conversation.

"Oooh so thats why you've been quiet this whole time" Hu tao said curiously.

"That's Kinich, he's totally popular with the ladies but he's mostly a loner, I mean I've barely seen him hanging out with anyone" Childe said while taking a bite of his food. "He's quite rude sometimes as well which might be why he's alone so much"

You hummed in response. He might not be the best choice to make your friend given the reputation he has in the school.

"What If I tried to be friends with him?"

"Ohoho now that's interesting" Childe said leaning back in his seat and smirking. "Well I mean go ahead if you want, but don't be upset if it doesn't work out"

"Hey theres no need to be so rude about it!" you said hitting him playfully.


You were now in your stem class, and oh how you dreaded this class.

It was all about math and engineering and those were not your favorite subjects, but it was a requirement at your school so you didn't have a choice.

"Okay class, now that we have finished our project on RC boats, now we will be moving onto our next subject which is, creating a retro video game controller" the teacher said while walking around the classroom. "You will be put into groups of four and you will work together to design and build your own video game controller"

The teacher started walking around and giving everyone a number 1-6 since there would be six groups in total with 4 kids each. You ended up getting number 4.

"Okay those who got number 1 go to table 1, those with number 2 go to table 2, those with number 3 go to table 3... you guys get it, you know where to go!"

You went to table 4 and found yourself sitting with your next table members.

One guy had turquoise eyes with short blonde hair that was put into a half up half down hairstyle. You had seen him around before, usually in the science lab which is a good thing for you because he must be good at this kind of thing then.

Another one was a girl with gorgeous light blue hair in a pony tail, Ganyu, part of the student council.

And lastly, it was the boy you saw earlier today at lunch, Kinich.

"Now that you are in your groups, you will spend your time in class today brainstorming ideas for a retro game controller, you guys should already be familiar with the process so I'll let you guys get started" said the teacher as he sat down in his desk.

Everyone at our table began to open their laptops and began researching video game controllers and what each kind was good for.

20 minutes had passed and Albedo breaks the silence by saying "Okay have you guys come up with any ideas yet?"

"Um! I think-" Ganyu started off and then Kinich interrupted her by turning the laptop screen to show us a document he had made with information on the kind of controller he had in mind.

"Okay thats not bad Kinich" Albedo said somewhat surprised.

"Wow I didn't know you were so familiar with game controllers" you said in awe and how fast he had come up with an idea.

"Well you don't exactly know me do you?" Kinich said rudely while smirking.

You rolled your eyes in response to his snarky comment.

"Okay well if there is no objections then we can go through with Kinich's idea, sound good?" Albedo said.

"Actually, I think the idea is rather good Kinich, but I think we should add an arm rest given that this is a big controller no? It might be uncomfortable to play for a long time without one" you said trying to mess with Kinich a little.

"Oh I didn't even think of that, thats a good idea" Ganyu replied to you.

"Whatever I would've come up with that soon enough" Kinich said a little annoyed.

You giggled at his reaction while he just glared at you.

"Well we can further discuss tomorrow, class is ending soon" Albedo said

And with Albedo's announcement you packed your things and headed to the poetry club since that was your last class of the day.


End of chapter 01


"𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓮?" ♡ 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now