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Ravens, the bird of sadness, your whole world. Your life mantra
Or atleast.. it was

Until she came into your life
The girl with the brown hair and beautiful smile

Right now you were sitting on the couch right next to Jenna and reading her messages over her shoulder. She didn't care, she was trying to get you to be hers. You took out a notebook and started to write.

-2023, May 10th-

When was the last time you cried
When you held your brother in your arms
When he coughed up blood
When was the last time you saw her
The girl who you could've loved
The one you said you'd loved

Jenna peaked over and looked at you suspiciously, "Y/N/N talk to me please, are you okay?! That's hella fucking sad." You sigh and hug her tightly, "yeah I'm alright sorry I just felt like writing sm sad."

She nods and moves your notebook away before taking your hands. "It's been a month or so, y/n I really like you, like I really like you...", she paused, "please... go out with me?" Jenna looked scared of rejection but you tucked some loose hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. "Of course I will, I like you alot too, more than I'd like to admit; Ms Famous Actress"

The actress squealed in delight and nodded immediately starting to plan the date as you held your stuffed cat and got an instagram call. That's weird who could it be? You look but see it's Sarah, of course it was Sarah. Since the mood would likely be ruined you chose to ignore her.

Jenna was scrolling online trying to find the most amazing places possible and she looked so damn cute. "N/n!!! How about we go to Dollarama and buy some art supplies and have an art night! Then I have something special planned??" Her doe eyes looked excited and you nodded giggling, "I'd love to. Let's go then?"

As you got dressed and ready to go Jenna took your hand and led you outside, skipping, her hand in yours. Everything you could've dreamed of, it was perfect, absolutely perfect. The girl you definitely liked and she was obsessed with you, in a good way of course.

Dollarama was fairly empty just the cashier and you guys, you grabbed a basket and Jenna dragged you go the artsy section and took some beads with the same shade as your eyes and the same for hers. Then she put some clay in the basket as well as pipe cleaners. With much enthusiasm the shorter girl ran into the snack isle and chose some of both of your favourites.

You returned home not long after and Jenna asked you to prepare the stuff and said she'd be back before leaving the apartment. Carefully you put the snacks into bowls and set the table so it's just your art supplies and the snacks. No distractions just that.

For a while Jenna didn't return until approximately an hour later the Latina strolled into the apartment and sat with you at the table, "sorry I had something to do", you smile and nod as you both start your crafts.

"So... what's your favourite scary movie y/n/n?"
She giggles as you raise an eyebrow, "Scream reference?"Jenna laughs cutely, "No, no seriously favourite?" You think, "Hmm Babysitter: Killer Queen, no doubt favourite horror ever." The smaller girl blushes, "Because I'm in it?", "No, just thought Phoebe was hot."

The conversation was fairly casual until Jenna finished her little clay heart but it fell on the floor. Her eyes filled with tears as she planned to give it to you. Your smart not dumb ass noticed and moved to hug her. "Hey hey it's okay don't cry yeah? I think it's beautiful, like you.", she nods and you guys clean up and then look at the time 11pm, damn you got lost in the moment.

You put pyjamas on and so does Jenna before she leads you to the corridor outside your apartment. Weird? Only because you're both in pyjamas, "Uhh Jenn? Can we change into clothes?", "no this is perfect n/n.", you choose to believe her as she leads you to..,to... the roof?! Thousands of feet above the ground and she walks over to a blanket with pillows on it and another blanket. "Surprise? You like it n/n?", she whispers rather shyly. You turn to stare at her, like it?! You loved it.

"Jenna... I... I this it's lovely... no... it's perfect", "watch the stars with me?", you nod and lay down while she settles beside you glancing at the sky. "Look n/n! That's Venus!", she giggles, "you know what Venus is Jenna?", she shakes her head.

"Venus, Venus is the planet of love, cool right?", she blushes as you rant about different star and planet meanings but she's not looking, she's looking at you, how cute you look talking about it so passionately. "... and that is our moon, most planets have more than one moon!" She giggles and looks at you, "isn't that the moon?", you smile and shake your head, "No that's the North Star, the star in the Small Dipper, it's called Polaris, say.. aren't you religious? Didn't that star lead the 3 kings to baby Jesus?", Jenna shakes her head, "right that did happen, I forgot...", you smile and nod.

"The stars are always so pretty, but if you look closely you can see the northern lights, they're very bright tonight. It's a strong magnetic field and you can hear them cracking...", you continued but Jenna wasn't listening, she was too busy looking at you with big adoring eyes, what a cutie she didn't even realize she was shivering. You noticed though and pulled her under the blanket with you, "don't want you getting cold hon", she melted and nodded.

The two of you could be like that peacefully forever. Jenna's eyes kept moving to your lips and you noticed, "Jenna.. I can see you doing that.", she stumbled over her words, "I-uh-i-i-uhhh.. fine I was looking at your lips, can you blame me?" You smile and lean closer.

"Would you blame me if I kissed you?" You whisper leaning closer so your foreheads and noses touch, "no.. no I wouldn't please...", "please what?", "please kiss me", you smile and lean your head to the side delicately pressing your lips against hers. It was so gentle Jenna thought she might explode, as if you thought some harsh movement could hurt her, her heart fluttered.

Jenna was honoured you didn't want to hurt her but she kissed back a little more passionately causing you to copy her movement kissing her lovingly as she smiled and you earned a satisfied sigh as she pulled away and rested her head on your chest. "Mmmm, you're a good kisser I think  I'll want more sometime", anything for you, you thought, "anytime Jenna, let's get back inside."

You carried the Latina and all the stuff back inside as you placed her in bed and she tugged you to lay next to her as she cuddled you. It was perfect. Everything was perfect.

Little did either of you know what shocks, good and bad, would come the next day.

Sorry for the slow updates!
Mwah love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: 17 hours ago ⏰

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