Chapter 3

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Today, I found out my mother developed a sickness. It's lymphoma, a cancer. I honestly don't know a lot about it but... she found out last week. I was just now told. She's getting treated but, I'm still just so scared. It's a beatable cancer, she will most likely survive, UGH, anyways...

Today I hung out with Karma and his boyfriend, Jared. I was ranting to them about Ren and what's going on with us. Karmas daughter was there too! SHE IS SO CUTE her name is Eleanor but everyone calls her Elle. She's 2 years old. Yeah, he had her when he was 14, but he's a really good dad. And his ex girlfriend, Elle's mom, is super cool. Her and Karma are also still very close and enjoy being around each other.

"Elle, say hi to Jude!" Karma said as he had her face me. She was super shy.

"She doesn't have to." I replied with a small laugh. Elle just ran over to Jared and crawled onto him. She considers Jared as her other dad. He's been there since the day she was born. Apparently he was in the delivery room after she was born. Other than Karma and his dad, he was the first person to meet Elle, even though Karma and Jared were only friends at that time.

"So, Ren is... gay?" Karma asked me, "After all that time he wasted bullying you for being gay, all of a sudden HE is gay?"

"I guess so. He's just been... hiding it. He was afraid that people would judge him, or something like that." I explained.

"Of course people would judge him. He's bullied half of the fucking school." Karma replied.

"I think he's getting better..." I explained. Karma just didn't buy it. He thinks Ren is gonna end up hurting me or that he's lying and he's just gonna make fun of me, which makes sense, but at the same time, he can't un-kiss me. He can't undo everything we have done together in private.

Anyways, that's when Elle finally came over to me.

"Your name?" She asked me in the cutest voice.

"My name is Jude!" I told her with a smile.

"My name Elle." She said. She then spread open her arms and allowed me to hug her. I melted.

"She's so cute!" I mouthed to Karma. Elle started to play with my hair.

"Be careful, she will try to pull it out." Karma told me with a laugh. Then, Elle immediately tugged hard on my hair.

"Ow!" I said as I grabbed my hair and pulled it up so she would stop pulling. Elle started crying. Karma slowly grabbed her and began to comfort her.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare her". I explained.

"Oh it's fine. She just feels bad." Karma told me, "Elle, tell Jude that you're sorry."

"I'm sorry Jude." She shyly said. Anyways, we all had fun! I really bonded with Jared. HE IS SO COOL. He knows so many bands! I was surprised! He seems like the type who doesn't listen to music but that's all he does!

At one point, I just got kinda sad. I saw how genuinely happy they were. I wish I knew how that felt. Be happy with someone at least.

Jared ended up spilling what happened to him while he was uh, kidnapped. Karma was shocked actually. He was admitting some things that happened that he hadn't even told Karma yet. I don't want to go into much detail since what he went through was just so horrible and heartbreaking. They knew someone named Lily. Lily was a man who their older siblings were friends with since before Karma and him were born. Lily was basically a part of Jareds family, and he was always in an on and off relationship with Karma's older sister. Basically, he's actually a gross child lover who was basically just grooming Jared since before he could talk. Jared has mental health problems, always had. Lily was always the one to comfort him and it made it to where he always wanted to see Lily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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