thinkin bout my past😞

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Hello my name is Shameka Jacobs and I am a BBW I am 24 yrs old and live on my own no familie that I know of grow up in adoption agencies until I was 16 then I ran away.

I lived in the street for bout three days when this Man came and asked if I needed help. I was bloody and dirty and sore. U see I was just attacked and raped in the alley two blocks over and done how made my way here.

I looked at the man and asked it he could help me to the hospital please. He helped me up and into his car and told me to the hospital to be look at.

I said THANX and told him he didn't have to stay. But he told me that he wasn't goin anywhere. Then he got on his fone and made a call to someone and spoke my name.

I looked over to man and asked him how did he know my name??

He looked at me wit a smile and said how could I forget u My Sweet Ivie.

I jumped up from the hospital bed and asked him how did he know about that nic name???

Akavion smiled at me and said damn I see that u forgot about us though huh???

I smiled and said I could never forget about anyone of u guys. I was going to tell u that I luv'd all three of u but u was gone. Y didn't know one day bye or something to me???? " Cryin' "

just then Tavion walked into the room along wit there other brother Savion and smiled at me wit such luv and passion in their eyez for me

Tavion walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

Then Savion did the same thing as his brother but on my cheek.

Then the three of them looked at me and said ur comin home wit us no questions asked.

I shook my head and said ok I told them that I don't have anywhere to live since my Familie put me in adoption agencies ryght after they left.

The doctor came in and told me that I had three broken ribz and a lot of bruises and that I was raped and they did damage and that I would have to heal completely if I want to have children or even be intimate.

I didn't know wat to do hell they guyz didn't even look at me I asked the doctor could I leave and he looked at me then the guyz who seem to ignore me all of a sudden.

He nodded his head yes and helped me up and to the bathroom to change and leave. I didn't even look at the guyz while headin to the bathroom or wen I came out to leave.

I just left at when I got outside they came runnin' to me pissed off. I just kept walkin out of the parking lot and onto the street.

After I told Akavion everything that happened to me and this is wat they do to me but u know wat hurtz the most is that I Luv them azz holez wit all of me. And that shyt suckz azz.

Not knowin that they we're ryght behind her as she was sayin this out loud they guyz heard everything she said about even the luvin' them all of her being.

Akavion so u luv us huh?

Tavion so we're painz in ur azz huh? Mm If my memory serves me correctly we have always been azz holez My chewie dumplin'???

Savion so we're azz holez huh?
So tell us how u really feel about us Short stac??

I just stood there stuc no wordz no smile just stuc fuck me how long have they been there??? How much have they heard???? Well fuck me and nevermind they heard it all well most of it anywayz

I just walked way wit my head down now I was so embarrassed and just couldn't look them in the eyez. I pulled my broken fone out and tried to make call but nothing my fone was shot,dead, no more gud.

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