The start

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"Alex hurry up were gonna be late for orientation" her best friend jess yelled up the stairs.
"Do we really have to go to that? I just planned on skipping"
" Alex lets just go!"
I ran down the stairs an grabbed the last box an loaded it up in Jess's trunk before we hit the road. When I got in the car Jess was staring at me
"Staring problem Jess?"
"No I'm so excited. Going to collage with my best friend and no boyfriends. Party time!"
I turned to face the window with a worried look on my face
" wait you did break-up with Austin right? Come on Alex."
" yeah I totally did" my palms started to sweat an my stomach started to twist an turn as I just lied to my best friend.
It was about a two hour drive of loud music and Jess's horrible singing. Jess pulled into a parking lot surrounded by dorms. We both got out and looked around for a minute taking every view in. I walked to the back of the car an grabbed my boxes and head toward building B which is were our room is. As me Jess entered the building we began to walk down the hallway looking for room 431. I stopped an turned around to make sure Jess was still behind me. When I went to turn back around someone ran into me and I dropped my boxes. I heard a voice say " oh my I'm so sorry let me help" as I bent down to pick my belongings up I looked up an meet eyes with a blonde headed guy he smiled an it gave me chills. We both stood up at the same an I noticed there were some guys behind him. "Sorry I'm clumsy sometimes, my names Niall, and this Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry" pointing to the guys standing behind him. The tall one with curly hair was wear a white shirt so tight you could see all his tattoos it caught my eye and I could stop staring.
Jess jumped in and introduced herself
"Hi I'm Jess and this my friend Alex".
Eventually the curly hair guy caught me staring and he smirked I gave off a shy awkward smile. " Well could we help you find your room" Niall asked
Jess replied " thanks that'd be nice. Room 431"
" aye that's right across from Louis, Liam and my room looks like we're neighbors"
" wait this a co-ed dorm?!" I blurted out
They all laughed including Jess " yes they all are. Well I guess we'll see you around" as we walked pass then I brushed arms with the curly hair one I didn't catch his name.
Once we reached our room I unlocked the door and but my boxes down on the computer desk. I unpacked my belongings an put them away nicely. Jess looked over at me " okay I'm all ready"
" don't you think it'd be nicer to go look around campus then to go to some boring orientation? Please Jess?" I gave a puppy dog face that always seems to work on her
"Fine! But we better not get in trouble"
As we walked out the building and entered the court yard I spotted one of Niall's friends he was walking toward us " hey it's Alex and Jess right? I'm Zayn, I wanted to invited you guys to a party tonight that we're having at the gamma house." Jess had that worried look on her face but before she could say anything I answered
" yeah sure we'd love to come"
" great me and the boys will meet you at the main lobby of the dorm around 8" he smiled an walked away
" Alex what the hell were you thinking!"
" you said you wanted to party. Plus it's a way to meet people".She rolled her eyes an began to walk back to the dorm.

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