P1: The perfect latte.

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Smg4 stretched, yawning loudly as he sat up from his soft blue bed, he dug his fingers into his soft blue blanket, as his eyes adjusted he slowly but surely moved out of bed, not wanting to leave it but knowing he has to start his day.

Smg4 had finished getting dressed, he stared at himself in the mirror before he left the room and spoke "Aint I handsome? Who could love this face?" Smg4 smiled confidently in the Mirror again, feeling proud of himself for being able to get proper sleep last night.

Smg4 exited the castle and took In the fresh breeze of the showgrounds, admiring the sunrise. Smg4 turned his head over to Smg3s coffee and bombs, he could use a latte today. Smg4 began walking toward the cafe, unfortunately. It was still closed, Smg4 spotted Smg3 opening the cafe up. Smg3 walked up to the sign, spotting Smg4 staring right at him, causing him to jump back and let out a girly scream at man in blue.

"SMG4!?" Three shouted and opened his door, letting four inside as he switched the sign to open instead of closed.

4 began to panic, not wanting to see like a weirdo "I'm so sorry three I never met to scare you! I was just looking through the window to see if you were up and you were opening the cafe and-" 3 cut him off "Chill out dude, it's fine. Now, what do you want..I'm gonna have to charge you extra for scaring me so choose wisely cause i know your broke." 3 joked, but it sounded like he had said it Ina serious tone so the man in blue was..quite confused "WHAT!? Are you serious! I didn't mean to, tell me your joking man!" "I am." 3 stared at 4 annoyed "Oh." 4 blushed out
of embrassment.

Smg3 walked behide the counter and raised his eyebrow at his polar opposite "So? What do you want." "One latte please.." 4 walked up to the counter and raised up his pointed finger "One perfect latte coming right up, made by yours truly." 3 grinned, but it quickly faded as he thought it was to early in the morning to attempt to make the latte like those Starbucks people do it, fast service. Not his cup of tea.

Smg4 watched as Smg3 began to make his latte "Smg4?" "What's up?" "I hope yknow this'll be  be best latte you ever had." 3 grinned, staring at four "Yeah right." Smg3s smile faded as it was replaced with a more annoyed and irritated look.

Once Three was finished, he placed the latte on the counter top near Smg4 "Hey four." "Yeah 3?" 4 responded as he reached for his cup, only for 3 to pull it back "HEY-" Before smg4 could start whining about 3 pulling the latte away from him, 3 spoke "How about we make a deal." "..What kind of deal is it?" "Not a super big one, but he about this, if you don't like the latte you get if for three, If you do.. you admit it's the most perfect latte you ever had and pay Double." 4 groaned "Counter offer, I'll add 2 dollars." "Deal." 3 slided the the cup towards 4.

Smg4 had a plan, he was just gonna act like it didn't taste good. Four grabbed the cup and took a sip, his pupils going big with sparkles. "Woah. AJSHSHAHS" Four fake coughed "I mean, it's soooo bad..." "Dont lie to me scrub. Pay up." "Finee...how much is the latte?" "6.50, but it's 8.50 since you agreeded to 2 dollars extraaa..." 3 opened his head, smiling knowing he won this round. "Damnit." Four placed a 10 dollar bill in 3s hand and walked out the door, to irritated that he failed to keep his reaction inside to keep his change.

Mean while with Three, Smg3 was surprised, he wasn't expecting that to work..all he did was just put a whole lot of sugar in the latte BUT NOT TO MUCH and it worked? Sweet. He'll add that to the menu later.


Four angrily entered his room, finishing his latte. Why was it so good!? It was the perfect latte. Fours head pounded, he decided to just get to work.

Hours later, he still couldn't work, he had onky gotten 5 minutes of the video gone but his head wouldn't stop hurting..Jesus was what in that thing? He wanted more lattes so badly, They are so sweet he thought he'd explode but then again they had the perfect amount of sugar aswell..it clashed so well with the other flavors. He wanted more.  they tasted so good four thought about getting 100 delivered but no! That's irresponsible..Four will just try to work. Right?

5 hours later.

Smg4 still sat at his desk..only finishing 2 more minutes of the video. Smg4 stared at his computer screen, there were so many flaws and errors in the editing,Script ect he just didn't know where. It wasn't perfect enough. How will he get his videos to become better!? Smg4 stood up, his head pounded harder.

4 rolled his eyes, nothing inside or the latte would help his videos, they weren't perfect..but that latte was-- Wait, what if the reason the latte was perfect, because of Smg3? Was Smg3 perfect? Nah.

But the more four thought about Smg3, starting to think it over..the more he realized. SMG3 IS PERFECT! His desgin fits so well with his voice, his attitude his charisma..it all fitted so well! He was perfect!

Smg4 looked over at his mirror, and..Four? Well, he wasent.

Smg4 decided the best was to get some rest, he was to much in pain from his head to move to his bed, but Smg3..managed to cram his way inside Smg4s brain. He wouldn't escape Smg4s head. Every single detail of 3, physically and mentally he examined in his head the best he could.

Four searched through he desk till he found the small notepad Meggy gave for him to try and help him with and a pen he has, for some reason..he doesn't quite know why he has a pen in his room actually, whatever..doesn't matter, what does matter is smg3, Smg4 began writing about Smg3. All the details he could think of, His personality, Charm, Looks, backstory, the episodes he's been in. It started to calm dkwn his mind writing about smg3, and eventually he just put the notepad down. Putting it In desk drawer.

Smg4 yawned as he got cozy in bed, what time was it? He didn't care. He needed a nap. He really needed one.


Authors note: I hope you enjoyed the start to this new fic!

Words: 1148

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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