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IT WAS THE FOURTHEENTH OFfebruary and Hogwarts was awash with Valentine's Day magic

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february and Hogwarts was awash with Valentine's Day magic.
The castle had been fully transformed overnight as if touched by a spell of love itself. The corridors were lined with floating garlands of enchanted roses, their petals never wilting and glowing faintly in the dim light. Cupids made of shimmering gold flitted about, giggling and sending trails of sparkles in their wake, occasionally shooting harmless arrows into the air that exploded into bursts of confetti. The suits of armor were bedecked with pink sashes and occasionally hummed love songs as students passed by.

In the Great Hall, the decoration was even more extravagant. The ceiling reflected a soft, pastel sunset, where flocks of magical doves soared lazily between the enchanted candles.
Heart-shaped balloons drifted gently above the tables, occasionally descending to rest on someone's shoulder or float near a group of friends.
The long house tables were covered with deep red tablecloths, embroidered with gold, and littered with little charms and sweets that had appeared overnight—chocolate frogs holding tiny bouquets of candy flowers, sugar quills dipped in pink ink, and enchanted conversation hearts that whispered sweet nothings when held.

For those wanting to send secret Valentine's gifts or letters, the castle offered a special tradition: the Valentine's Day Owl Post. Just outside the Great Hall, a temporary post station had been set up, overseen by a flock of love-struck owls who wore tiny ribbons around their necks. Students could write anonymous messages on pink parchment, seal them with wax shaped like a heart, and hand them over to one of the owls, which would deliver the letters without revealing the sender's identity. Some students sent enchanted chocolates, magical flowers that changed color based on the recipient's feelings or tiny trinkets like charmed necklaces or enchanted quills.

Another option was the enchanted gift boxes scattered throughout the common rooms and halls. These were bewitched to accept small tokens, sweets, letters, and once deposited, the gift would magically appear near the intended recipient at the perfect moment, usually during breakfast or classes. The magic ensured that the sender remained anonymous unless they chose to reveal their identity in the note.

The infamous group of Slytherins were sitting at their house table, eating breakfast as the boys—Barty, Regulus and Evan, looked around the hall with a disgusted expression.
Meanwhile Adelina was looking around with a dazed look, she was in awe of the pink—loving the colour since she was little.
A giddy expression was on her face as she smiled brightly at her friends.
They all frowned at her—it was the same every year.
They dreaded this and Adelina was excited for it.
The boys threw away all her Valentines from these silly boys, while she pouted every year, thinking she didn't get anything.

They were done eating and went together to the dungeons, having potions with their head of house.

"I hate Valentine's day.", groaned Barty as many owls were flying around, carrying enchanted letters.

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