Episode 6: Forward Memories

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"When the past clinks!"

Since I came to the city, I have been exposed to many unfamiliar circumstances and experiences leading me to feel the existence of the complicated system, embodied in the citizens' behaviors and minds. During this period, I have had little opportunity to think and reflect on what I have seen and experienced.

That night, after exhaustive work at the office struggling with clients and employees, I was lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling, reviewing all that had happened to me since I came to the city.

While thinking silently and slowly, I slightly came up with the idea of my forward memories! Sounded confusing, but several times, I have been exposed to experiences in no regular time order; The Chinese tutor in the coffee shop recommended that I pay attention to the details indirectly, before I made the mistake at the office the next day, in front of my boss. If I had paid attention to this advice more seriously, I would have not made the mistake.

The mistake itself was not that important. What I could have been more conscious about was paying attention to my current experiences, as they might have been related to what I would experience in future.

The system was somehow aware of my future, giving hints to me, building up checkpoints and memories in my mind that would be useful for my further experiences. The citizens were all functioning in a complex intertwined way. What one was doing, feeling or experiencing during his ordinary lifetime was directly or indirectly related to what the other would have been doing in future. And this complex collaborative environment of the city made the citizens work as a whole optimized functional complicated system with certain goals in certain directions.

Based on the previous evidence, the idea sounded very clear to me. But I sometimes felt hints from the past and sometimes I ignored them. When I tried to pay more attention, I felt I was just imagining and visualizing the connection between the events preposterously, and I was not feeling it naturally. There should have been a difference that I was not aware of.

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