Leaving.....Sort Of

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(Normal P.O.V)
When Lucy and Levy got to LAX airport, they got their belongings then headed inside.

"Wow, this place is crowed." Levy said with wide eyes and stared at the filled up lobby. "Yah, but at least there won't be a lot of people on our plane."

Levy looked at her. "How do you know that?" Lucy just shrugged. "I may or may not have looked at a few......things"

Levy gave her a look, but just shrugged it off. "I wonder who keeps texting me." Levy said getting out her still vibrating phone.

She checked to see that she has gotten a lot of messages from Erza, Mira, Gray, and Gajeel.

After she finished reading them all, she quickly put her phone away and grabbed Lucy's arm.

"They found out! We have to go like right now!" She said dragging her blonde friend. "What?!"

She shrieked. "Wait where is our flight?" Levy pointed to a counter that had their flight number on it.

"We have to get through security first." Levy said quickening her pace. "Ok....." Lucy trailed off when she saw the long line.

"By the time we are next they will be here! What do we do Lu-chan?!" Lucy bit her lip nervously.

"Ok you see the people in front of us?" She whispered. "They are distracted, so let's cut."

Levy nodded and they both started going in front of them slowly. "Ok what now?" As if god heard their prayers, another security check up line opened.

The girls ran to that one quickly and stood in line. "Alright, I need you girls to take off..."

Before the man could finish, they already had all their things in the tray. "Ok then" he cleared his throat.

"Step forward." Levy went first while Lucy stood behind silently. Her brown eyes scanned the crowd of people and immediately caught sight of pink.

"Oh no." She mumbled and she put her sweater, that was around her waist, on. "Ok ma'am you may step forward now."

She did as told, but what the man said next made her freeze. "I'm going to have to ask you to take off that sweater."

Lucy's eyes widen. "A-alright." She murmured and took it off slowly. Thus making her blonde hair fall out since it was tucked inside her hood.

She bit her lip hoping that the security check will be done soon. After what had felt like hours, she was done.

"Are you alright Lu-chan? It's like you've seen a ghost." Lucy looked at her with panic.

"They're here." She whispered to her worried blue haired friend. "W-what?" Lucy suddenly stiffed.

"Behind. You." Levy started sweating and she glanced behind her. Right there was Gajeel Redfox along with Erza and Mira.

They were looking around for something, or more like someone. When Levy looked at Gajeel, it's like he knew she was there.

His red eyes looked straight at her brown ones. "Levy-chan?" Lucy whispered. They just kept staring at each other until the rest noticed.

"Lucy! Levy!" The two girls yelled and ran up to them. "Oh crap." They muttered simultaneously.

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