•☆the good ol' switcheroo 😎☆•

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Long ago, monsters and humans lived in harmony.
One day, war broke out between the races.
Humans won and sealed the monsters underground inside Mt ebot using the magic from 7 human souls.
Since then, people have been known to venture off into the mountains on a quest to discover if the rumour surrounding what lies beneath the soil is true. None have returned.

All it takes is one slip up for you to go tumbling into the death pit that is the inside of the mountain.
This is a risk that Frisk knew well, but they were here for a reason, and nothing was going to stop them.
Rocks were scattered and kicked into the mountain as Frisk stepped along the edge of its opening.
Determination flashing in their closed eyes as they soon follow the debree on its descent, their vision becoming fuzzy as static filled their ears.
Until they were gone.
It was as if they were never there.

And then, something new appeared.
Someone new appeared.
And they weren't alone.

An ear defening thud sounded throughout the ruins, shortly followed by a loud groan.
The tangled mess of bodies atop the most likely crushed flower bed began to shift.
One of them wore baggy pants, trainers, and a lime green hoodie while the other wore a light grey shirt, Jean shorts, black leggings, trainers, red gloves, and a long red scarf. One of them was way more dressed up than the other 😶
The taller of the two began lifting his head, his hand subconsciously moving to cradle the man's aching skull.
Tired eyes stared up at the entrance to the mountain, squinting at the bright beam of light shooting from the sun as if to mock him.
He takes in a few deep breaths, the cold air of winter directly contradicting the warm radiance of the blazing star in the sky.
"What the fuck....?" He says before shifting his gaze to a nearby hallway. He leaned slightly in order to get a better view, eyes shooting open as they landed upon a doorway. Its detailing was too specific for him to not recognise, even from this type of distance....
He quickly moves to aggressively shake the other body awake. She shivers as her eyes begin to open.
Slowly, the girl adjusts to the light as her body shakily forces itself into a more up position. Clear confusion plastered all over her face as she observed the surrounding area.
"Darryl....where are we...?"she asks, turning to face her brother.
"Do you seriously not recognise where we are right now, Morgan?" He retorts, a blank and most likely disappointment expression on his face.
He stands up, wobbling slightly before gesturing to their surroundings.
Her brain processes the implications before she begins with widened eyes "Holy shit..."
She hurries to her feet, standing across from her brother as they both exclaim with varying levels of excitement, "WE'RE IN UNDERTALE!!"

Their voices echo through the ruins, waking multiple creatures from their peaceful slumber. A large goat monster steps out of her house and into the ruins, slight panic shown in her form as she hears the echos of two children....

Darryl and Morgan casually walk through the entrance to the ruins, coming to an abrupt stop as they come across a lone patch of grass. A singular, brightly coloured yellow flower layed upon it in calm silence.
Before Morgan could approach the flower and pluck it from the grasp of the ground, they are stopped by Darryl.
Morgan accepts defeat immediately, though clearly not happy about their decision.
However, he is not left long to dwell on her choice as the duo are jumpscared by the high-pitched voice of a certain flower.
"Howdy! Im-"
"WEIRD FLOWER" the two humans scream, Darryl pointing an accusatory finger at him while Morgan quickly moves to get behind him. Her eyes glaring holes into his stupid little flower head.
A wave of silence washes over them, and not even the flower dares to speak.
Then, the ice is broken by Morgan semi-whispering "I'm going to pluck him" while making rapid grabby hands at the flower.
Despite this claim, they make no move to actually grab the flower in any way.
This behaviour massively confuses the poor flower. He's a victim 😔.
He takes a deep breath before continuing with his introduction.
"My name is flowey! Flowey the flower!" He began once again, before being interrupted ONCE AGAIN (these ignorant children 😡)
"One, we already know that" Morgan starts, hands on her hips in smug audacity,"and two, your name is stupid and not creative in the slightest"
Darryl chuckles along as his sister continues.
"Hashtag roasted." she rests a hand under her chin, standing in front of flowey as if attempting to intimidate him.
Darryl quietly comments, "Did you just say hashtag outloud-"
Flowey is both confused and very offended, but he doesn't get long to think about it before getting slammed into oblivion by a ginormous fireball headshotting him at mach ten.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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