2. Spending Time Together:Random

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" Ah don't worry. No one else saw you trip. Except for that old lady...and that man...and those girls over there with their cellphones. But other than that, you're safe" Bora chuckled softly while holding out her hand for her friend to take. "And you call me the clumsy one."

"If you hadn't kept me so immersed in our conversation, I would have noticed that my laces were undone!" Gikwang grumbled with a reproachful expression on his face as he grasped her hand and stood back up, still wobbly on his feet. "Seriously... This is so humiliating..."

He hissed in pain through his teeth and winced at the scratches adorning his palms. A moment of utter embarrassment soon came to an end, considering the fact that he burst into a fit of laughter at his own clumsiness shortly afterwards.

"Well, I can't help it if I can keep a good conversation. You know, some would call that a talent!" She replied quickly as her eyes watched him stand up on his feet again with the help of her hand. Helping him dust off any dirt on his clothes, Bora suddenly noticed the scratches on his palm. Feeling slightly guilty for being the one that distracted him from his laces, she reached inside of her bag. Being a new mother, she was always prepared with band aids and disinfectant wipes.

"Yah! This isn't a laughing matter you could have been seriously hurt." She tired to make a stern facial expression but her own laughter was difficult to hide. "Wanna get your hand cleaned a little though? I promise not to distract you too much."

Cr. to whoever wrote this (I changed the names)

The next one is a smut. Which guy should it be Chanyeol or Lay?
Or who else do you guys prefer?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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