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A teenage superstar. She's so far off the ground, she's untouchable, and that's how it always has been for Janet. Has she ever touched the ground? Yes. Has she ever been apart of it? No. She's never fit in with anyone but the stars and thats just where she is, up high enough she could practically caress the moonlight as if it were her one and only, and in a way, it is.
She's never been the friendliest. Or easiest to get along with, atleast not on a personal level. Having no friends is what lets the moon pull you in.
However, on a different level, she's beautiful and inspiring and easy to admire. She watches her fans sway adoringly below to the blasting music and for a second, she could pause and let time stand still, to be in this moment forever.
Where nothing else matters but the wind in her hair, the chill of the latex against her skin, and the weight and heat of her jetpack on her back.
Unfortunately, time travel isn't possible, and just as fast as she rose, she's soaring back down to the Earth, her fans cheering so loud she almost can't hear her own thoughts. But in the crowd, her eye meets another.
Down below it's a teenage boy, lean, with raven-colored hair that reflects the moonlight, and thick eyebrows. He's unamused, unsatisfied looking, almost. He couldn't care less for Janet's performance that everyone loves so much. But why?
Janet scrunches her face in confusion before landing, her little sister Bonnie landing at about the same time and hugging her leg. The superstar looked down at her lovingly, taking Bonnie's small and chubby hand in her own before giving the crowd one final bow.
"This is the best, Janet!" Bonnie giggled, "I wish you woul' lemmie come an pe'form more!" The small girl bounced gently on the tips of her shoes.
Janet sighed. "Nooo.. No, no, no!"
She lifted up Bonnie gently and bounced the small girl, cooing at her playfully. "You can't come all the time cause it's too cold and dangerous and you're still a baby!"
"Noooo! I'm big, Janet!" Bonnie fought.
In response, Janet simply chuckled as the crowds still cheered on lovingly at their favorite young superstar and her baby sister. When everybody knows your name, who truly knows you?
That's something Janet can't answer.

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