A Blink in Time

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The city was quiet, the kind of stillness that only came in the early hours of the morning. The streets of Musutafu were mostly empty, the city bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. Izuku Midoriya, the young hero-in-training known as Deku, was patrolling alone. His green eyes scanned the area, alert for any signs of trouble.

As he turned a corner, his thoughts drifted to his training at U.A. High School. He had been pushing himself harder than ever, determined to master his quirk, One for All. The weight of being All Might's successor was always on his mind, but he was also eager to prove himself, not just to his mentor but to everyone who believed in him.

Suddenly, a flash of light caught his attention, followed by a streak of movement that zipped past him faster than he could register. Deku's heart skipped a beat as he quickly spun around, ready for a potential attack. But what he saw next made him freeze in surprise.

Standing a few meters away, with a wide grin on her face, was a young woman in a sleek, futuristic suit. She had short, spiky brown hair, glowing blue goggles, and a curious-looking device strapped to her chest. Her vibrant energy was almost palpable, and Deku could sense she wasn't an enemy.

"Well, this place is a bit different from London, innit?" the woman remarked in a cheerful British accent, looking around with wide eyes. Then she spotted Deku and waved enthusiastically. "Oi! You there, love! Can you tell me where I am?"

Deku blinked, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Uh, you're in Musutafu, Japan. Who... who are you?"

The woman tilted her head, looking at him with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "Name's Tracer! Cheers, love, the cavalry's here!" She laughed, her voice filled with a contagious excitement. "But I seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. This doesn't look like anywhere I've been before."

"Tracer...?" Deku echoed, recognizing the name from his studies on international heroes. "You're with Overwatch, right? The international hero organization?"

"Spot on!" Tracer beamed. "But I wasn't expecting to end up here. Some kind of time slip or something, I reckon. Gotta love the old chronal accelerator." She tapped the device on her chest, the same one that glowed with a soft blue light.

Deku relaxed slightly, realizing she wasn't a threat. "It's incredible to meet someone from Overwatch. I've read about your missions! You're one of the fastest heroes, right?"

Tracer chuckled, her eyes sparkling behind her goggles. "Well, I do get around pretty quickly, if I do say so myself. And you are...?"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, but everyone calls me Deku," he said, feeling a little starstruck. "I'm training to be a hero at U.A. High School."

"Blimey, a hero-in-training, eh?" Tracer said, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "You must be pretty good if they let you out here on your own."

Deku blushed at the compliment, rubbing the back of his neck. "I still have a lot to learn. My quirk is strong, but I'm not as fast as you."

Tracer's grin widened. "Wanna see how fast I really am? We could have a little race around here. It'll be a good warm-up!"

Deku's eyes widened in excitement. "A race? With you? That would be amazing!"

Without another word, Tracer darted off in a blur, blinking forward several meters in an instant. Deku activated One for All, feeling the power surge through his legs as he took off after her. He knew he couldn't match her speed, but he pushed himself to go as fast as he could, his determination burning bright.

Tracer zigzagged through the streets, her laughter echoing as she blinked from one spot to another. Deku chased after her, using his own agility to keep up as best he could. The city was a blur around them, and for a moment, Deku felt like he was flying.

But even as he pushed himself to the limit, Tracer was always just out of reach, blinking ahead with ease. She finally stopped at the top of a building, waiting for Deku to catch up.

"Not bad, Deku!" Tracer called out as Deku landed beside her, panting slightly. "You've got some real speed there. Bet you'll be a right proper hero in no time."

Deku smiled, catching his breath. "Thanks, Tracer. You're incredible. I can see why Overwatch chose you."

Tracer gave him a wink. "All in a day's work, love. But I can tell you've got what it takes, too. Just keep at it, yeah? Heroes like you are what the world needs."

Deku nodded, feeling a surge of confidence. "I will. Thank you."

As they stood together, looking out over the city, Deku couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter. Tracer was everything he admired in a hero—strong, fast, and full of energy. But more than that, she was kind and encouraging, reminding him of why he wanted to be a hero in the first place.

Tracer glanced at her chronal accelerator, the device emitting a soft hum. "Looks like it's about time I headed back. Don't want to leave Winston waiting too long, or he'll go bananas!" She giggled at her own joke.

Deku chuckled, though he was a bit sad to see her go. "It was an honor meeting you, Tracer. I hope we can meet again someday."

"Same here, Deku!" Tracer said with a grin. "And who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again. The world's a big place, but it's full of surprises."

With a final wave, Tracer activated her chronal accelerator, and in a blink of light, she was gone, leaving Deku standing alone on the rooftop.

Deku looked out at the city, feeling more determined than ever. Meeting Tracer had been a reminder of the kind of hero he wanted to be—someone who could inspire others, just as she had inspired him. He clenched his fist, his heart swelling with resolve.

No matter what challenges lay ahead, he would keep pushing forward. For the sake of those who believed in him, and for the world that needed heroes.

And maybe, just maybe, one day he'd get to race Tracer again.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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