Chapter 6

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Aria curled up on the stone floor, her hands hugging her knees to her chest. The dim light of the algae seemed to mock her, casting long shadows in the cave. She didn't know how many days had passed since shed been brought here. A week, she assumed. A week to long.

Her stomach twisted at the memory of the fish, the way Kaelen had forced her to eat it. She felt defeated. She was nothing more than a prisoner.

Aria squeezed her eyes shut. If she focused hard enough, maybe she could forget this place for a while. A small smile found its way on her lips as she remembered the say she became a big sister.


Aria was ten years old when her parents sat her down in the living room, their faced lit up with excitement. Aria had been confused at first, glancing between them as they shared a look.

Her mother placed a hand on her belly and smiled softly. "Aria, you're going to be a big sister."

The words took a moment to sink in. "What?" She blinked, her eyes wide. "Really?"

Her dad laughed, nodding. "Yes, sweetie. There are two babies on the way."

"Two?" Her voice shot up an octave. Twins?

Aria jumped up from the couch, bouncing on the balls of her feet as her excitement bubbled over. "I get to be a big sister to twins! Can I help name them? Please?"

Her parents laughed, and her mother ruffled her hair. "We'll let you help, of course."

When the twins, Sabrina and Tommy, were born months later, aria had been in awe. She remembered holding each of them in her arms for the first time, tiny fingers gripping her own. From that day on, she took her role as big sister seriously – playing with them, reading them stories and even helping her parents when they couldn't settle them.

As they grew older, Aria happily took to the role of the annoyed big sister. But she never felt old enough to not give in and play. She had always been there for them.


The warmth of the memory settled in her chest for a moment, but soon a cold shiver broke through it, dragging her back to the present. Aria hugged her knees tighter, her chest aching. Her parents, her siblings – she missed them. What would they be thinking now? Were they searching for her? Would they know to look beneath the water? Or had they already presumed her dead and drowned, lost to the sea forever?

She shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. They were too painful.

A splash resonated in the cave causing aria to look up. Kaelen's head popped out of the water and watched her carefully. His presence was no longer something that made her flinch, but rather something she had grown numb too. She was too tiered to resist, too exhausted to fight him. Every ounce of defiance had drained out of her since the fish incident, leaving her feeling hollow and lost.

Kaelen swam closer and placed a small fish placed on the floor beside her. Aria stared at the fish, her stomach twisting with hunger and disgust. She knew she needed to eat, but the raw, slimy texture of the fish made her want to gag. Still, the gnawing hunger was relentless, a reminder that if she didn't keep her strength up, she would never find a way out of his.

A shudder went up her spine at the thought of eating that. But he didn't say anything. Didn't tell her to eat in that strange language of his. He just watched her with that calculating look in his glowing eyes. His silence unsettled her as much as his words might have. Aria shifted her gaze away, pretending not to notice him.

"Ril yenonaka?" Kaelen questioned softly, his voice breaking the silence. "Yen valor Alaria."

Aria glanced at the fish. Her stomach churned with hunger, but she couldn't brig herself to eat another raw fish. She was at war with herself, with her morals and customs. But she also felt like giving in – like letting him win.

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