Chapter 2

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Annie stood at the edge of the lake the next morning, the early sunlight filtering through the branches of the old oak tree. The crisp air nipped at her cheeks as she waited for Kane Mercer. It was peaceful here—quiet, secluded. This was the spot where she came when the noise of town became too much, where she could think. Today, though, her mind was anything but calm.

The thought of Councilman Davis's threats still gnawed at her, and Kane's sudden appearance added a new layer of uncertainty. Yet, there was a pull to the stranger she couldn't quite explain—a sense that this meeting was important.

From behind her, she heard footsteps crunching through the grass, and she turned to see Kane approaching. He moved with the same quiet confidence he had shown at the tea bar, his eyes catching hers as he neared. He wasn't wearing the same casual attire as yesterday—today, he wore a button-down shirt and jeans that gave him a more professional, yet still approachable, look.

"Morning," he said, his voice low but carrying easily over the distance between them.

Annie nodded in greeting, though she kept her arms crossed, her stance guarded. "Morning."

Kane stopped a few feet away, his hands resting in his pockets. "I appreciate you hearing me out, Miss Carter." 

Annie studied him for a moment, searching for any sign of hidden motives. But all she found was sincerity. However, she still needed answers. "So, you're a real estate lawyer," she said, cutting straight to the point. A fact she learned last night when she took to google desperate to prepare herself for this meeting, and one that made her even more guarded. 

He smiled faintly, nodding. "That's right. Grew up in a town not too different from Liberty Rose. I've seen what can happen when the wrong people get their hands on the right power. City officials targeted my community — pushing us out of places that had been ours for generations. I watched it happen while I was in high school and freshman year of college. Honestly, it changed everything for me."

Annie's gaze softened, just slightly. "That's why you became a lawyer?"

Kane nodded, his expression serious. "I didn't want to sit back and let it happen to anyone else. So, I went to law school and focused on real estate. For a while, I worked on the other side—representing developers, even city councils occasionally. I was broke and had to take whatever I could to make ends meet."

Annie's eyebrows raise and she crosses her arms, her guard raising slightly rather than lowering at this fact. Kane notices he's about to be left in the woods alone and holds a hand up quickly explaining himself further "I thought, maybe I could stick it out until I paid off loans, while gaining an insider perspective and edge on them. But then I saw too many deals that didn't feel right, too many families losing their land because someone decided it was 'in the best interest' of the town. I had to walk away from it." 

Annie tilted her head, still guarded but growing more intrigued. "And what brought you here? To Liberty Rose, and more specifically my tea bar?"

Kane's jaw tightened for a brief moment before he spoke again. "A friend of mine—a developer. One of the good ones. He told me about this place and how the city recently put out a bid for future plans. He recognized some of the names involved and knew it wasn't going to end well for whoever stood in their way. Your name came up, Annie. That's how I found out about your situation."

Annie's eyes narrowed slightly in anger at just how brazen the council is being. "So, you just decided to help?"

Kane met her gaze steadily. "I didn't come here to meddle in your business. But I've seen this before. Councilman Davis and his cronies won't stop at just friendly suggestions. They'll push harder, force your hand if they can. And if you're not careful, they'll make sure you're the one holding the short end of the stick. I've fought against people like them—and I can help you."

Annie remained quiet for a moment, processing everything Kane had just told her. There was a sincerity in his voice that made her want to trust him. But trust was a luxury she couldn't afford—not yet.

"You say you can help," she finally said. "But how? What exactly are you offering?"

Kane stepped closer, his expression softening. "I can be your legal counsel. You need someone who understands how this works, someone who knows how to navigate the system. The council will try to bury you in paperwork, throw every obstacle they can in your way. But with the right strategy, we can make sure they can't touch you. It's not going to be easy, Annie. But if we work together, we can stop them."

Annie studied him for a long moment, the weight of his words settling over her. She wanted to believe him—to believe that he could help her save her family's land and tea bar from the clutches of the city council. But there was still that nagging doubt, the fear of letting someone in only to be betrayed.

"I appreciate the offer," she said, her voice steady but firm. "But I've learned not to trust people too easily. If you really want to help, you're going to have to prove it."

Kane nodded, his expression understanding. "I get it. And I don't expect you to trust me right away. But I'll be here when you're ready. If you knew what I do then that also means you've got my number. Call me if you want to talk more."

Annie hesitated for a moment, then nodded in return. "I will."

With that, Kane nodded, gave her one last look, then turned and headed back down the path, leaving Annie standing alone by the lake. The morning sun had climbed higher, casting long shadows across the water, but Annie's mind was still clouded with uncertainty.

She didn't know if she could trust Kane Mercer, but one thing was clear—she couldn't fight this battle alone. And if he could truly help her, then maybe, just maybe, she had a chance at saving everything she held dear.

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