Chapter 20: As Grim as Can Be

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A/N: sorry for the long wait! >.< I've been so busy with school and I have a terrible case of procrastination.

(Y/N)'S P.O.V:

"Sebastian? What are you doing outside? It's cold, come inside or you'll freeze." I said jogging up to him.

All he did was smile at me, no, it wasn't a smirk but an actual authentic smile. "It's really quite flattering how much you care about my wellbeing, even though you know that I can't feel pain the same way you can."

"Oh... Right," I said slightly embarrassed. "Or is it perhaps because you love me?" Sebastian whispered into my ear from behind.

'How the hell did he get there?!'

"A-and what m-makes you th-think that?!" I shouted in disbelief, "I don't think that way of you, anyway."

Sebastian chuckled, "My dear, you know it is bad..." He said snaking his hand around my waist, "to tell a lie."

I froze,'those eyes, again.' Glowing and demonic, staring right at me.

Sebastian smiled and kissed me. His soft pair of lips capturing my own as we stayed unmoving from each other's grasp. He parted slightly away staring into my eyes.

"Why is it that you can make me feel this way?" He asked, more to himself than to me, "you're just a mere human; frail, weak, and full of emotions, making you susceptible to attachment. I shouldn't understand these feelings...Yet somehow,  I can feel them whenever I'm around you.. It's strange." Sebastian touched my forehead with his own; I could feel his ebony strands of hair tickling my face.

"And you're just a demon.." I said softly, making him shift his gaze to mine, "inhuman, cruel, and heartless... But I can't help but think that somewhere there deep down, there just might be a heart...even if it's dark and ominous.. It's still a heart.."

Sebastian chuckled lightly, "Demons aren't supposed to fall in love with humans..." he brushed his fingers against my cheek. "But you have a...different way of perceiving such's what I adore about you, (Y/n)."

"Yes...umm.. Well, you should really go inside," I said feeling embarrassed. "What are you doing here anyways?"

Sebastian's face darkened, "I had to tend to some... Business."


Sebastian smiled, "don't worry about it, dear. It is not worth the trouble."

I nodded warily, "right..."

We both headed back inside the manor, and just as Sebastian closed the door, all the windows in the room ruptured. Just like confetti, the glass flew everywhere, crashing and breaking as it hit the ground.

I gasped when turned and saw multiple shards flying in my direction. One was headed in the direction of my chest, and the other was flying dead centre, for my head. They were accompanied by hundreds of other little pieces, just waiting to puncture into me.

I managed to stop all of them moving in the air, as difficult as it was. But not before I was tackled.

Sebastian held me protectively, with one of his hands gently cradling the back of my head, while the other was on my lower back.

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