Chapter 11: Clear the Tables

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Dinner was delicious! I've never tasted anything like this in a while since Bard usually prepared the food (which would always end up either burnt or lethal).

When everyone was finished, I went straight into washing the dishes. "Y/n, do u need help?" I heard Meyrin's squeaky voice call from the background.

"No, I've got it" I answered back.

she nodded and left the room along with all the other servants ...except one. I felt something slip over my head and come around my back. I looked behind and saw sebastian tying an apron behind me.

"You don't want to get your uniform wet, or you'll have to dry it out." he spoke in his infamous velvety voice along with his firm hand around my waist.

I turned back to the dishes. "th-thank you".

'uhhh!.. This is not the time to be stuttering, Y/N !!!' I scolded myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian glancing over at the pile of dishes I had yet to wash.

"Please, allow me to help as well" sebastian said removing his tailcoat and placing it in a nearby chair

"But-" I said starting protest. sebastian placed soft hands into mine. he leaned down close to my ear and whispered. "It'll be alright, you know I am perfectly capable".

I felt an uneasy feeling creep up on me. 'Do I.. Like him?' I thought to myself. it appears that all the women took a liking to this tall, handsome, debonair butler like himself...but me?

My cheeks were flushed. his face was so close to mine, ebony locks of hair brushing against me.

then he pulled away, put on a pair of latex gloves and set to washing the dishes.

By now, it was probably 10:30 pm and I was just about finished.

I was about to dump a full glass of water someone forgot to drink (probably Finny's), into the sink.

I turned and kind of "thrown" the water into the sink from the cup. I expected to hear some kind of a draining noise as you would expect when you poured liquid into a sink, but it never came.

Instead I heard- drip drip drop

'What the-'

I turned around and saw... Sebastian dripping head to toe with water.

"Oh my.." I grabbed a towel and started... well drying his shirt which sort of clung to his figure because it was wet.

During it all, I tried not to blush (or make anything explode, in my case).

Sebastian sighed and touched his raven-coloured hair, decorated with droplets of water. "it appears you misjudged the distance of the sink."

"Umm... I'll get more towels" I said removing my apron and awkwardly and walked away from him.I opened a drawer to try and find some.

I pulled three of the towels out.When I closed the door, I felt something cold run down my shoulder, leaking down my back and chest.

I turned around to see sebastian smirking at me, holding half a cup of water in his hands.

"Sebastian!" I shrieked. Covering my front.

"What a shame" he said pouting a bit, "you should have been wearing your apron at all times when you are present in the kitchen."

I glared slightly at him. so he thinks this is a game?

I went to the sink and soaked up the towels and threw it at him.

It smacked in the middle of his chest and fell to the ground. "you should be wearing yours too" I smirked back.
I attempted to walk past him but ended up clumsily slipping.

I collided with his soaking wet chest.

Sebastian kind of did a double-take and tried to balance himself by stepping back, but also ended up slipping because of the wet floor tiles.

We both came crashing down and I fell right on top of him. when I opened my I saw sebastian looking at me with a blank stare.

"Y/n, I am sorry I wasn't able to catch you in time " he spoke, red eyes boring into mine.

"No.. I'm sorry I took it too far" I said. observing the super embarrassing position we were stuck in.

I pushed my chest off of his and started to stand up when I heard a voice I new all to well.

"Sebastian, it's time for me to retire for the night, the guests already left and-"

Master ciel walked into the kitchen.

I stared at him in horror and at the same time, embarrassment.

He seemed to just stand there, eyes wide observing the situation. "s-seb-sebastian.." He stuttered out, cheeks pink, betraying his usual stoic demeanour.

'Oh my god this looks so-'

"Master! Umm it's not-" I spoke nearly yelling.

Ciel cleared his throat, and walked out the room, cheeks still pink.

Oh boy

I peered over sebastian who was still lying there soaking wet and trying to contain his laughter.

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