Chapter 4: Mending Words

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The next day, I woke up to the familiar quiet of my place, but everything felt off. My phone sat on the bedside table, Billie's last message still lingering on the screen from last night—Fine. It wasn't like her to leave things unresolved, especially when we were in the middle of something like this. But I knew she was hurt, maybe a little defensive, and I couldn't blame her. She was trying, in her way, to keep us strong while I was unraveling.

I glanced at the time. Billie was probably already off to do something for her upcoming projects or hanging with friends by this time. It was how she coped—keeping busy, surrounding herself with people. And it wasn't like I didn't understand that. I just... handled things differently.

I grabbed my phone and stared at our text thread, my fingers hovering over the keys before typing:

Me: 'Hey, can we talk later? I didn't mean to upset you.'

I didn't expect a response right away—she was probably out—but within seconds, the bubbles appeared.

Billie: 'Sure.'

Short. Not cold, but not exactly warm either.

I put the phone down, deciding I couldn't spend another day buried in my thoughts. Work would be the perfect distraction. But as I sat down at my desk, ready to dive into some overdue edits from recent shoots, I couldn't help but open the folder marked B's Pics. It was a personal collection I'd been building since Billie and I got together. Most of the photos were private—backstage moments, candid shots of her laughing with her crew, or stolen moments when she didn't know I was watching. They weren't for anyone but us.

Scrolling through, I landed on a picture from last week, one I hadn't been able to stop looking at. Billie and I at a coffee shop, just grabbing coffee like any other day. She was mid-laugh, her hand holding mine across the table. I loved that photo, but now, knowing that the moment had been splashed across every gossip page, it felt tainted. I couldn't even look at it the same way anymore without thinking of the comments, the eyes that had seen too much of something so private.

I leaned back in my chair, the frustration creeping back in. I grabbed my camera off the desk, suddenly feeling the urge to get out, to capture something that wasn't us, wasn't about Billie and me. Just... something simple. Anything.


I headed to the park near my house, a quiet little spot where I could shoot without thinking too much. It was easy to disappear behind the lens again, the weight of the camera grounding me as I focused on nothing but the framing and light. Kids played on the swings, couples walked their dogs, and the world going on without the glare of cameras.

It felt good.

But as much as I tried to lose myself in the photography, I knew it wouldn't last. I had to see Billie soon, and we had to talk. The tension between us hung in the air, and I didn't want it to stretch any longer than it already had. I loved her, that wasn't the question, but we needed to figure out how to navigate this—together.

When I got back to my place, the house was empty, just as I'd left it. I grabbed my phone again, typing another message.

Me: 'I'm back home. You free later?'

Her reply came almost instantly.

Billie: 'Yeah, I'll be there soon. We can talk.'

I stared at the screen, feeling the weight of the conversation that was coming. I didn't want us to fight. We weren't the couple that fought, but I couldn't deny that this was getting to me. And it was starting to get to her, too.


When Billie finally walked through the door later that evening, she looked tired, but not just from work. There was something in her eyes, a heaviness that mirrored how I'd been feeling. I stood up, unsure of what to say, but she beat me to it.

"You said you needed space," she started, dropping her bag on the couch. "But space from what, exactly? From me?"

I shook my head quickly. "No, B! God, no. Not from you. From... everything else. The cameras, the comments, all the noise. I just—" I paused, searching for the right words. "I'm not built for this, as you can clearly see. For being in the spotlight like you are."

Billie sighed, running a hand through her hair as she sat down. "I know it's hard. I do. But I thought we were stronger than this. That this wouldn't come between us, you know?"

"It's not coming between us," I said, sitting next to her. "But it's affecting me. And I don't know how to balance it. I've always been a wallflower, B. And I liked it that way. Being in front of the camera... it's not me."

She was quiet for a moment, her fingers fiddling with the edge of her sleeve. "I just don't want you to pull away."

"I'm not pulling away," I said softly, placing my hand over hers. "I'm trying to find a way to stay."

Billie looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for a moment before nodding. "I get it. I don't want to lose you in all this either."

I smiled, squeezing her hand. "We'll figure it out, okay? But maybe... let's try to keep things a little more private for now. Less public dates, more quiet nights like we used to. Netflix and chill, right?" I teased.

Billie chuckled softly, leaning her head against my shoulder. "Deal."

For the first time in days, I felt a weight lift off my chest. We weren't perfect, but we were us. And as long as we remembered that, I knew we'd be okay.

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