Chapter 3

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Nikolas was left in the room, chained to the bed, for what seemed like hours. His thoughts went in circles from the accident, to Sylenar, and then to his predicament, over and over and over again. The thing was, he felt like he knew Sylenar from somewhere. Like someplace far away, almost in a dream.

However, just as soon as he was coming to a conclusion on why he might know him, guards walked in. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted as they silently unchained his wrists and ankles from the bed. Then they helped Nikolas up. He grimaced as his muscles screamed in pain from the sudden movement so soon after the accident. Nikolas honestly hadn't realized how stiff he was till then. 

They half carried him through a series of corridors till they reached a large open room. Except it wasn't exactly a room, it was more like a cargo bay on one of the airships. Then the back of the room opened and Nikolas realized it was an airship, and this was the cargo bay. 

Nikolas was brought down the ramp into a massive natural cavern. He could faintly see the exit which was just big enough to fit an airship through. He shook his head in wonder. His attention was soon drawn away from the cavern and to the people in it. 

There was a crowd not far away. In the centre of the crowd where two people. One was Sylenar, and the other was a Solari woman, she had brown hair that seemed to be almost pulsing, but when Nikolas blinked again it wasn't. She had pale amber eyes, and was at least a head shorter than Sylenar who also wasn't that tall. They seemed to be in a heated conversation, until she saw Nikolas.

She blinked, then turned back to Sylenar and spoke in a calmer tone, Nikolas watched her speak and his mind cleared as he read her lips. She was saying: For a second I thought you hadn't upheld your side of the bargain, but now it is clear that all is as planned. Bring him here and we will complete the exchange.

Sylenar gestured for the guards to bring Nikolas over. They responded almost immediately. They helped Nikolas over and forced him kneeling in the gap between Sylenar and the woman. Sylenar fastened an Asterite collar onto Nikolas and then handed the controller to the woman. Nikolas had heard of these collars, they could tighten and slowly strangle the person wearing them. It was a method of control, whoever held the controller could force the prisoner to do almost anything. 

Next a chest of garnet tokens was handed to Sylenar, or to his guard at least. Following this they shook hands. Nikolas was hauled to his feet and marched away from Sylenar who watched him go almost sadly, as if he knew Nikolas. 

The hum of the air ships engines warming up sounded a little while later, echoing through the halls. Nikolas listened knowing he was stranded. It wasn't like he would not be able to find his way back. It was the hopeless feeling of knowing you are left among enemies.

The cell Nikolas was brought to was in a deep part of the cave system, and even then there were at least four guards outside his cell and maybe two at every door after. It was a foul predicament to say the least. 

The cell was sparse. There was a straw pallet on a stone ledge on one side; on the other was a small room with a toilet. It was depressing, but it matched Nikolas. The shadows writhed in the dark corners, reflecting his horrid mood, they drew very little of his energy to keep them going, and it was an almost instinctual act. Nikolas was not actually controlling the shadows but they were originating from him. 

He lay on the straw pallet his limbs burned from their recent ordeal; he was burnt out completely, emotionally and physically drained. This hadn't happened in forever. It was like he was an engine and had gotten down to the last drop of fuel. He had no clue how he survived the next few hours of his life.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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