Silent Encounter

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The night was cool, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and fallen leaves. Xylia walked through the park, her thoughts drifting as she admired the flickering streetlights that cast shadows across the path. She often found solace in the quiet of the evening, away from the bustle of the day.

As she rounded a bend, a figure on a bench caught her eye. He sat alone, shrouded in darkness, his face partially obscured by the shadow of a nearby tree. Xylia’s curiosity piqued as she noticed the scratches marring his skin, glinting under the soft light like whispers of pain etched across his cheek.

She paused, drawn to the mystery of the boy. He was older than her, maybe seventeen, with an air of cool detachment that intrigued her. Something about him felt electric, like a storm waiting to break. For a moment, she simply watched, captivated by the way he seemed lost in his own world, unaware of her gaze.

Despite the distance, their eyes met, and a flicker of surprise danced in his dark irises. Xylia felt a rush of emotions—fear, curiosity, and an undeniable urge to help. She took a cautious step forward, her heart racing.

After a brief moment of hesitation, she reached into her bag and pulled out a small plaster. It was a simple gesture, but in that instant, it felt monumental. Carefully, she placed it next to him on the bench, not wanting to intrude on his solitude. Just as quickly, she turned to leave, her breath catching in her throat.

Zerek blinked in disbelief as he watched her walk away. He had felt her eyes on him, but the warmth of her touch—a mere plaster—left him both startled and intrigued. No one had ever cared enough to notice his wounds, let alone leave something behind.

“Wait,” he called out, his voice gravelly and low, cutting through the quiet of the night.

Xylia paused, her heart racing. She turned to face him, the anticipation swirling in her stomach. “Yes?”

“Why did you do that?” he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly, searching her face for an answer.

“Because… everyone deserves to be cared for,” she replied, her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart. “Even if it’s just a little.”

Zerek studied her, confusion mingling with intrigue. No one had spoken to him like that before, with such sincerity. “And you think I deserve that?”

Xylia shrugged, a soft smile playing on her lips. “I think everyone does. Even someone like you.”

For a moment, Zerek was taken aback. Most people wouldn’t approach him, let alone offer kindness. “You don’t know me,” he said, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

“And you don’t know me,” she countered, her confidence shining through. “But we could change that.”

Their gazes locked, and in that fleeting moment, something unspoken passed between them—a connection that felt almost electric. Zerek felt an unfamiliar tug at his heart, a curiosity he hadn’t anticipated. “What’s your name?” he finally asked.

“Xylia,” she said, her smile brightening the night. “What about you?”

“Zerek,” he replied, testing the name on his lips. It felt strange to share a piece of himself with someone, but something about her made it feel easy, natural.

Xylia took a step closer, the distance between them shrinking. “So, Zerek, do you always sit alone in the park at night?”

He shrugged, unsure of how to answer. “Sometimes. It’s quiet. I like it that way.”

“Me too,” she said, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. “But you might find it less lonely with company.”

Zerek couldn’t help but chuckle, the sound surprising even himself. “You’re bold, Xylia.”

“And you’re mysterious,” she shot back, a playful glint in her eye. “Maybe we could be bold and mysterious together.”

As they continued to talk, the world around them faded into the background. Each word exchanged felt like a thread weaving their lives together, binding them in an unexpected connection. Zerek found himself drawn to her kindness, her fearless nature cutting through the shadows of his past.


As the night wore on, Zerek knew this chance encounter was more than a fleeting moment. Xylia had stepped into his life like a beam of light, challenging him to open up, to let her in. And despite the darkness that often surrounded him, he felt a flicker of hope—a possibility of something more.

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