Chapter 1

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I couldn’t help but think about how boring my life had gotten. Like, seriously. Everything was so normal that nothing exciting happened anymore.

Not even today.

My birthday.

17 years old.

It’s supposed to be this huge deal, you know? The kind of thing people remember forever because it’s like the last year I’m technically still a kid. I mean, I can drive and stuff, but whatever. It just feels... different.

I rolled over in bed, groaning as I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

5:47 AM.

Ugh, why am I waking up so early? It’s winter break. The last winter break I’ll probably ever get before college and being an adult and all that. Guess I’m so used to waking up for school that I can’t even enjoy my sleep anymore.

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and turned my phone back on, unplugging it from the charger. The screen lit up my entire room—it was pitch black in here, the curtains drawn tight. I couldn't even see the sun yet. Maybe my window’s covered in snow or something.

I opened Instagram out of habit, scrolling through the usual posts and stories. But before I could get lost in Shawn Mendes’ latest update, I noticed the flood of messages from Kate.

Kate🔪: Willou!!!
Kate🔪: Willow*!!!
Kate🔪: OMG you’re not gonna believe thisss
Kate🔪: Pick uppppp
Kate🔪: I’m coming over to your house tomorrow to explain!
Kate🔪: I mean today

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the heck was she talking about? Messaging me at 4 AM like a maniac. Typical Kate though—she was never normal. Still, why would she text me something so cryptic at this hour?

You: What happened??
You: Is it something serious??
You: Are you okay??

I sent the messages, knowing full well she probably wouldn’t reply anytime soon. I wasn’t even sleepy anymore, so I might as well stay awake now.

I scrolled through some more stories—mostly Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber’s, obviously. But even that got boring after a while, so I decided to get out of bed. My Batman pajamas were warm, and my waist-length ginger hair was still in a braid from last night. I hated sleeping with it loose; it always got in my face and made me feel like I was suffocating.

I crept downstairs, hoping to grab a snack or something to keep me busy, but as I got closer to the kitchen, I heard voices. My mom was up? Weird. She’s usually asleep this early.

I paused, listening. She was on the phone with someone, and her voice was all low, like she didn’t want anyone to hear.

"Yeah, since it's winter, most kids are on break," she said, kind of whispering but loud enough for me to hear.

Who was she talking to? And why was she being so weird about it?

"Oh no, that's not a problem. Mmmhm... yes, as the guardian I consent, no worries."

What the heck was going on?

"As long as I get my part, I don’t care. It could be forever." Forever? What could be forever?

I leaned in closer, trying to hear more, but just then, I stepped on Mittens, my mom’s stupid cat, and it shrieked like I’d stepped on its tail or something.

"We'll talk later," Mom said quickly, ending the call. She turned toward the living room, where I was standing, and I made my best "I-just-woke-up" face, rubbing my eyes like I was still half asleep.

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