Chapter 3

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Willow’s POV

I could tell from the second I agreed to go that Kate was going to make this a huge deal. While I stood by my closet, staring at my clothes, she was already bouncing around, going through her bag, talking a mile a minute about the concert. I could barely keep up with what she was saying.

“Oh my God, Willow, you are going to love it! I’ve been waiting forever for this. And I even brought extra makeup in case we need it, though, knowing you, you probably won’t want any.”

I sighed, shaking my head. Kate was always this way, full of energy and enthusiasm, and I didn’t know how she never ran out of it Maybe she could lend me some. I grabbed my black turtleneck and a white hoddie and gret sweatpants, and stylish boots, it was freezing outside.

"Are you really going to wear that?" Kate asked, her face scrunching up as she pulled on her ballerina pink leggings. She wore them with a skirt, boots, with  white turtleneck and black coat, that matched her skirt. She looked effortlessly good.

I shrugged, pulling on my black boots. "It's comfortable."

Kate rolled her eyes but didn’t argue. "Okay, fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when we take pictures, and I’m the only one looking cute."

I laughed a little, tying my hair back into a low ponytail. "I’ll survive."

Once Kate was done putting on her clothes, she stood in front of my mirror, fluffing her loose black hair. “How do I look? Too much?”

“You look like a walking candy store,” I teased, grinning.

She shot me a playful glare. “Whatever. You’ll thank me when I’m the one getting noticed at the concert.”

I rolled my eyes, reaching for my phone. "Alright, can we eat first?"

But before I could even finish my sentence, Kate grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. “No time! I’ll buy you something when we get there, okay? But we need to get there early so we can get good parking!”

“Kate,” I tried to protest, but it was pointless. She was already halfway down the stairs, pulling me along like a human leash.

I sighed as I followed her outside. It was freezing. I could see my breath fogging up in the air as I walked to her car. Kate, of course, was too excited to care about the cold. She practically shoved me into the passenger seat before jumping into the driver’s side, her phone immediately connecting to the speakers.

“I’m putting on One Direction,” she said, already scrolling through her playlist.

“Shocking,” I muttered, staring out the window.

As soon as the music started, Kate started singing along—terribly off-key, but she didn’t seem to care. I didn’t bother saying anything. I just let her have her moment while I stared out at the road, watching the city blur by.

I started thinking about school again. About my future. College applications had been looming over me for months, and I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. Animation sounded fun. I could spend hours sketching or messing around with digital art. But my mom kept pushing for something more “practical.” Law, engineering, business. Something that would “guarantee” a good future.

It wasn’t that I didn’t understand where she was coming from. But every time I tried to picture myself in one of those careers, my mind went blank. The future just felt… foggy. Overwhelming. Like I couldn’t see the end of the tunnel no matter how hard I tried.

I sighed, resting my head against the window. Kate’s singing was still going strong, though I had completely zoned it out by now.

“Willow?” Kate’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I blinked, looking over at her.


“You okay? You’ve been quiet,” she said, glancing over at me with a concerned look.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I muttered, trying to shake off the heaviness in my head.

She didn’t push, just turned the music up and kept singing. That was one of the things I appreciated about Kate. She knew when to push and when to leave things alone.

By the time we reached the concert venue, the sun had fully set, and the streets were packed. Kate practically jumped out of the car the second she parked, not even bothering to wait for me. I stayed back for a second, pulling out my phone to text my mom.

Going to the One Direction concert with Kate. Be home late.

No response, obviously. She was probably still at work, and even if she wasn’t, I doubted she would care much. She had already forgotten my birthday. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and got out of the car, following Kate toward the entrance.

“This is going to be amazing, I promise!” Kate said, practically bouncing as we walked. I nodded, though I couldn’t quite match her energy.

She stopped just before the entrance, turning back to look at me with that wide grin of hers. “Ready?”

I nodded again, forcing a small smile. “Let’s do this.”

Kate didn’t need any more convincing. She grabbed my hand, dragging me toward the entrance, her excitement practically spilling over as we joined the crowd of One Direction fans waiting to get inside.

But I couldn't rid of the feeling inside of me...

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