24| Knowing

52 3 0

It was many hours before their bodies were relinquished back to them.

"Oh god," Godrick moaned as he tried to sit up in bed. His muscles were strained, his body stinging from places Samantha and Derek had scratched and bitten him, their last coupling made with violent need–like they knew this would be the last for the night.

"You both okay?" Samantha asked. She sounded like she had a day at a spa. Stretching lightly, Samantha pulled herself up, in between them, onto her knees.

Derek had a slightly haunted look on his face. "I'm not really sure. Was that normal?"

"What's normal?" Godrick asked dryly as Samantha checked his wounds.

"They're shallow," she advised him. They were already scabbed over, none bleeding.

"Sorry," Derek said bashfully. "But in all fairness you asked for it."

Godrick laughed and then winced as his abdominal muscles fought against it. He and Derek had definitely gotten closer, their beasts as happy with each other's touch as hers in the moment.

Samantha moved onto Derek and had him roll over so she could check his back. He was well healed already. She gave him a quick kiss. "You good?"


"You feel funny about anything you speak with us okay?"

He nodded, though the look of concern was still there. He was worried he'd stepped over lines with the two of them, but they both seemed fine.

Samantha removed the last of her ropes, most had been cut off her at some point. She swayed a little on her feet and wobbled over to his mirror. Her wounds were healing nicely. Derek's bites not accompanied by bruises this time, the purpose of them very different for this meeting of their wolves.

The cuts across her chest looked like more than the usual swirling cuts Godrick usually made. The loops were the same but it looked like a language, some shapes repeated. A flicker of light on her chest drew her eye to a new mark on her flesh. A circle with a silhouetted creature inside it, sat over the top of her left breast. A winged hulking shape was depicted within the ring. It was golden and shimmered, hard to see if the light didn't hit it right.

She swung back to the bed, running and jumping and looking down at Derek. He and Godrick had been whispering something to each other but she missed it.

There it was, the same mark on Derek's chest in the same spot. She placed her hand over it and looked down at Godrick. He looked back in confusion as she took his hand and placed it over his new mark on her.

"Did I do that?" Godrick asked, moving his hand to look at the mark on her. She nodded and moved her hand for him to see it on Derek also.

Derek regarded the mark, only looking mildly surprised.

"Oh," Derek added nonchalantly. "By the way, we know what else you are."


"A dragon?" Godrick asked for about the fiftieth time. They had showered and dressed, opting to sit and talk in the living area.

He was going to have to completely replace his bedding. He and Samantha had prepped a spot on the floor for their blood play, not expecting it to literally spill over into the bed.

Both Derek and Samantha nodded, again confirming that he indeed had a dragon soul within him.

"It's really impressive," Derek added. "I've met a few dragons before, your demon side must be more prominent so it's not easy to sense."

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