New friends?

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It took some time to get to their destination, hell it took days to be there it was more far then spacy had imagine. He was sooo tired of walking ofcousre they had made some break to breath and so but it was still some time till they got there, they were just some meters away from their destination it was a relief to know they were getting closer and closer.

After some time spacy noticed some building? No, No that wasnt a building that was more sort of a cave “I guess they are there”spacy thought. He looked at tigiri if he was right she looked at him and nodded confirming his suspension. Then tigiri spoke “They are there. My friends. . .”They entered the cave, its depths dark and echoing the sounds of their footsteps. The entrance of the cave opened up to a large and spacious room, with numerous small tunnels leading into the darkness. As they entered, they saw a group of figures in the distance. It was them they looked bigger then tigiri that made spacy a little nervous. “What if they don’t like me?” Spacy thought he couldn’t bear to think of that if they didn’t like him then he would be a bother to tigiri he didn’t want that. . .After all she was the closest thing he had from a friend, sure they didn’t met that long ago but she did invite him to her group since he was completely alone since his whole village abandoned him . . .he still didn’t believe that though. . .Like how on earth did they go so quickly without him noticing??? But that didn’t matter now since he should focused on what is happening right now.

Slowly tigiri and him approach them one of them said “yo who is this child with you ti?” He sounded a little bit rude spacy thought but maybe that was the way they talk. Then tigiri spoke”first don’t call me “ti” second this child is from the village nearby. His village sadly forgot about him and now we are taking him in, do you understand?” She said coldly it seemed like she didn’t like that much these people(not really people but you know what I mean). “tch fineee but he better not me a burden to us” He really was mean. . .spacy just realised that they were all males and tigiri was the only female in the room. That made him wonder if she knew some female tigers instead of only male ones. He looked at tigiri with some confused look trying to say” Do you know any nicer or female tigers?” but he was too scared to say that since the other tigers were still there, They could kill him in any second so he should be careful with his words. . .

After some time spacy got used to the cave he had night vision so the dark wasn’t something to worry about what he did worry about was the other tigers that lived with him now he didn’t knew anyone of them expect the only female with not that much power over them. . .

After some time he got used to the lonely place but he was still not that comfterble with them. One day that change some random tiger of the group talked to him (note: He hasn’t talked with any of male tigers so this was new for him) “ey kid are you hungry? There’s some chicken if you want any. . .” Spacy didn’t knew what to say this was the first time one of them asked or even said something to him. But he had to say anything right? He asked him something so he should respond. . .”um yeah that would be nice. . .” That response was HORRIBLE like that sounded sooo unsure of himself which he was but like he didn’t have to sound like it but oh well he had already talk so there was no turning back now. The other tiger nodded understanding “um do you want me to bring it or do you want to go? I know that you don’t know the others so well so. . .” well at least this one had feelings and not like the other because he didn’t want to go to the other tigers expect if it was tigiri or now this tiger. He then nodded meaning he wanted to the other tiger to bring him the food. With that nod the tiger went to grab the food he dissaperd some time minutes passed and spacy wondered if that tiger had just abandoned him he hoped that, that wasn’t the care. . .after some time the tiger came with some chicken “sorry I took so long the others didn’t want me to feed you. . .” ouch that hurt knowing the others didn’t like him but whatever he had his chicken that was the important part after all. He then grabbed a tiny piece of the chicken and eat it slowly he then wondered how this tiger was so he then asked ”umm. . .whats your name actually? Im wondering now that you just grab this chicken for me. . .” Why on Earth did he sound so insecure? He thought but then his thought were interrupted when the other tiger spoke “My name is Alexandre. . .yours?” He said silently. “Mines spacy” said spacy happily to have found someone nice in this cave expect for tiger. . .actally were on earth was she? eh didn’t matter he was now with his new friend Alexandre. As so the end of the end closed to an end. . .

To be continue.  . .

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