Chatper Nineteen

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I am sorry again for my lack of updating. I want you guys opinion on something,

Do you think I should write a sequel? 

It may be too early to answer, but i really want to know if you guys are feeling it enough to want more? If so please comment, cause i really need to know. :) Thank you. BTW, this is a good chapter. I expect a lot of comments. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, Wattpad is tripping. 

Chapter Nineteen


"You can't break up with me for her. She doesn't want you." India screamed at me.

I shake my head, not caring. I knew what I wanted and it wasn't her. "You may be right, but I can't do this anymore India. I can't do that to you." India threw up her hands, looking at me crazy. "Do what? Fall for a fake girl who can't even be with you. I can be with you Will. You won't have to worry about me running off, because I'm right here. Don't do this." She pleaded. She held my shirt in her hands and begged me to not leave her. I grabbed her wrist and slowly pulled her from me.

"India you need to go." I whispered to her.

She looks up at me, a look I didn't recognize flashed in her eyes. She flings her hands out of my grasp and pushes me. "Fine. I'll leave, but you'll be sorry. You'll be sorry you left me, because your precious little Logan has a secret," I raised a brow at her, confused. "She has secrets and I told you she did, yet you don't listen to me. You never do, but it's okay. I have someone who will listen to me. Someone who will give me everything you didn't. Someone who will make me a star. So you have your little lying bitch, because sooner or later, I'll be right and you'll be lonely."

The heat from my sudden anger inflamed. "And if she does, then I'll handle it. Either way I don't want you anymore. Don't call, text, or contact any of my family. You are uninvited to Cayla's party, so don't even bother fucking showing up. I don't want to see your face ever again." She scoffed and walked past me.

I turned to watch her leave and sighed when the door shuts close. Going to the kitchen, I poured myself a drink of water. I had things to do, and that was going back to that dress store and figuring out which hotel Logan was staying at.

I went back into the store and walked right up to the desk. "Mr. Harrison here you go." The woman said. She handed me the dress and I paid her. I thanked her and got back in the car. I drove to my job and dialed Alex to meet me in my office when I got there. "Yes sir, may I ask why?" I chuckled. "I need you to search any hotel to find a room purchased under Logan Roberts." She agrees and hangs up.



"What is this place?" Chris said to me as I slide into the seat next to him. He sat at a booth, across from where Cayla and her friends sat.

Cayla was a natural born actress. The way she slivered her way in was great. I hadn't realized we were at a club until we got inside. The bumping music and countless bodies gave it away. I however haven't been to such a small club like this since I was eighteen. I wondered why they still had stuffy clubs like this anymore; it was too hot and crowded. I watched Cayla and her friends drink and dance on strangers until it got tiring and snuck over to Chris.

"You've never been to one of these? You know before you were famous?" He nodded, sipping his drink. 

"Yeah, but I never liked them." I sniffed his drink and frowned at him. "You know this is my favorite drink." He smiled, "And you have a lovely taste in alcohol." He tipped the cup towards me and winked. I rolled my eyes, slapping his fake glasses off of his face. "Don't start El—I glare at him. "No one is around, I don't feel the need to—"Well Chris, I do, so if you will. Don't call me that until we get back to the hotel." I moved out the booth when I saw Cayla coming back.

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