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i dont know how long this is gonna be and tbh i also have no idea where im going with this fic so please bear with me lol

If you were to ask Louis why he was walking down the street at six in the morning (an ungodly hour honestly, he was supposed to be sleeping in) juggling two cups of coffee on a box of records most definitely not grumbling to himself, he'd simply say it's because he's a damn good friend and also because Nick Fucking Grimshaw thinks it's okay to just not show up to work without a notice in advance therefore forcing those who were not supposed to be working to show up instead (again, honestly) but here he is bringing coffee along with the requested box of records for his co-worker and mate, Niall who asked him to come into work on short notice. (and seriously fuck Grimshaw)

Louis arrives at the record store; Cowell's Records. It was a very quaint place not too big but not too small. They had a somewhat wide selection of music ranging from old classics to hard metal and blues. Although if Louis was being honest the shops music selections were heavily influenced by him and his co-workers so there was an imbalance between the genres.

He walks in and puts the box of records on the counter next to the till.

"Tommo!" exclaimed Niall popping up from behind the counter smiling upon his arrival.


He's greeted by his odd Irish friend Niall who seems to have not been hit with dreadful news this morning unlike Louis as he's humming to an Arctic Monkeys song playing through the store. He's known Niall since before he decided to drop out of law school to go study art (which is still the best decision he's made in his life so far).

Niall basically runs the shop because Simon is hardly ever around being extremely busy with other work. When he first started working here he was nineteen and he always questioned how in the hell was it that Simon knew everything that went on here. Three years later and he still doesn't understand. Naturally he suspected there were cameras, unless Niall was relaying his every move to their boss, which c'mon. He searched three bloody days for those secret cameras and gave up when he turned empty.

Simon returned later that week to check in making sure everything was in order and said,"You won't find any cameras Tomlinson there aren't any." Niall laughed loudly as he watched Louis' expression change from really confused to possibly even more confused.

He left it at that.

Louis hands the blond boy his coffee. "Morning Ni." He mumbles into his foam cup leaning against the dark counter, Niall beside him looking through the records in the box.

Louis watches as two girls walk in right then moving towards the left orange wall covered in framed and signed vinyl covers. The opposite wall painted blue was floor to ceiling covered in posters from various music genres. The front counter with the till against the left wall towards the middle.

"Sorry you had to come in so early mate, Grimmy didn't come in and I already tried ringing him. Thanks for working short notice I have to head out and run some errands soon." He said looking up from the box over at him with a grimace.

"It's cool man." Louis gave him a reassuring grin.

He got over it he decided it was better than being miserable at home in loneliness while his flat mate, Liam, moped around because of some row he got in with his girlfriend. As much of a good friend Louis is and tries to be Liam was quite depressing to be around at the moment.

"I wasn't planning on doing anything anyway." Louis said waving is hand dismissively.

He set his coffee down and clapped his hands together loudly saying, "What are my duties today captain?" quickly standing at attention legs together hands at his side, chin up. Niall held in a snort.

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