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My name is 'Kenosha R Siblering-Johnson.'

My mom recently forced me to go to this.. new school. 'Menachap Middle School' or some shit. I dont know, but its better then that old hell of a 'school' that i used to go too.

Back to the story- Im sitting in math, watching the clock that hung above the door, bouncing my leg underneath the table.




I wait for the lunch bell. This class is boring as fuck.




I grab my bag, walk off to the.. long, long hallway. Follow the crowd, I guess? So, I walked. And walked. And I follow this dude. He has black hair, black shirt.. yyeeaaahhh. He talks to some of his friends. He turns a corner, I follow. Theres these two really big doors, and some students are already sitting down, Chattering with their friends. I see some kids near the edge of the second level, theres a kid with black hair, holding two backpacks. A kid  and freshly dyed red hair, a blonde hair with fresh red highlights, and one normal brown hair. The one with natural hair has crutches, She sits down first, and the black haired one sets down the teal backpack next to her, and her black jansport next to a different seat, before sitting on that one. I look back infront of me. The guy is.. gone.

Whatever. Just.. follow the crowd.

I step into the long line. It's quite long and annoying. It moves slowly. So, I just think. And think. Theatres my next period. Whats that gonna be like?

The 8th graders have lunch in before eighth period.

Yes. You heard me. And im fucking STARVING, because i decided TO SKIP BREAKFAST TODAY AND DINNER LAST NIGHT. God damn it, im pissed at myself.

I think. And think. And think..

Till im at the front of the line.


I stand up, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, walking towards the door. I wrapped my hand around the handle, twisting it and flinging the door open, walking towards the stairs. To get to the theatre room, you use the cafeteria as a shortcut, because theres a door that attaches the stage to the room. I stepped onto the stage, hiding behind the red curtains that were about halfway shut. I grip my fingers around the silver door handle, hesitating as i open the door, stepping into the hall.

The hall is this.. very short, slim, slanted platform that leads to the theatre room. At first, Theres a flat part, maybe around a foot or two in long and wide. Theres this table with props. A.. program. I grab it, skimming through it, curious. It was a small piece of paper that folded in half, the front read "TRAP." Trap? What? I open it. There's nothing in it. Except for my name. What? Lets ignore that. I set it back. Turn left, you'll see a staircase that leads into the theatre and orchestra hallway. Turn right, you'll see a slanted, slim hall. Keep walking, and it turns, and theres two doors. One to a storage closet and one too the theatre room. I fumble for the handle to the theatre room, it was locked. I knock. The door finally opens. Revealing our theatre director.

He would say, in a monotone voice.

I realize- I was so freaked out by that paper, i forgot why I even came.

"I- Uhm-" I stutter over my words "I think i left my water bottle in here." I sputter out. It sounds incredibly unconvincing.

He hums, agreeing with me in what im supposing is a mocking tone.

I cant lie. Not convincingly. When I was three weeks old, I had a seizure- it messed me up.

I have an anchor- right here, in my head. It weighs down my thoughts.

I cant express emotion. I can process it, but i cant show it. I just.. forgot how too, i guess.

"..Come in, go grab it then leave. We're holding auditions in ten minutes, we cant have you disrupting people."

He steps back and i step in, looking for the non existent water bottle. I try to make small talk.

"..What are the auditions for?" I ask.

"We are doing a play." He responds.

"What play?"


"..Can I audition?"

"..Sure. Sign your name outside once you grab your.. water bottle."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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