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For the second time today, Sonic sighed. He was watching the mobians and his friends from the view of the Loop De loop. Today was as boring as ever, with Eggman being defeated earlier, there was nothing to do. He's been watching for a while, until he hears a zip nearby, and he turns his head.

"Shadow? Where's he goin'?"

The blue headed hedgehog watches as his grumpy friend zooms past him going through hedgehogs pass, and seemingly int a cave in the mountain. What was Shadow doing there? It was nine of his business, really, and usually he wouldn't have even bothered with it, knowing that he'd be lectured for it by none other than the red-streaked hedgehog himself.

But he was curious, and had nothing to do. And that got the better of him.

He rose up, dusting himself off, and headed into that same cave, but keeping it quiet as not to let him know that he was here.

When he entered said location, he was in absolute awe. There were luminescent rocks on the ceiling, almost like stalagtites. And then there was what seemed to be patches of flowers, all leading up to somewhere. And there was Shadow. He thought about calling out to him, but thought better of it.

Shadow seemed to be... odd. In a way. He wasn't carrying that usual look one his face, and he seemed to be more in pain than anything else. Even though he was worried about him, he didn't want that as soon as he was found, that Shadow would have his walls up, and he wouldn't know anything.

So he hid. He peered at Shadow from his bidding place behind a large rock. Keeping quiet as he watches Shadow sit down, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He paid reverence to what seemed to be a gravestone.



Did someone Shadow knew die?

Is that why he seems so down?

Does this explain why he didn't participate in beating Eggman, when he usually would have?

Thoughts like this ran around Sonics mind a hundred miles a minute. Still, he stood there. Hiding. And then Shadow began to talk.

"Maria.. I... I'm sorry.. Im sorry I couldn't protect you. But I'll try my best, to bring this world peace, just as you wished."

And then there was silence. Then tears.

"I don't understand... Why would you do that for me.. Why didnt you save yourself instead? You would've been here, instead of me.."

His voice was so quiet, and yet Sonic still heard. He heard how his voice trembled. How he cried. He heard how he wished that 'Maria' was here with him. He heard his sobbing. And then he couldn't take anymore of it.

Despite not knowing the outcome of his decision, he walked silently towards Shadow, who was now on the floor, head in his hands. The blue hedgehog frowned sadly. He had never seen Shadow this emotional. Not once in his life.

He bent down, and rested a comforting hand on shadows back. He knew that Shadow didn't like to be touched, but, without using his words, this was the only way he knew to tell Shadow that it was okay. Unexpectedly, The red and black hedgehog didn't move away, or stop crying, or curse Sonic, or push him off or spoke any angry words.

He just cried.

And cried.

Until Sonic was tired of standing there, feeling like he couldn't do anything to help his friend. So he kneeled down and hugged him. And at first, Shadow froze. He didn't know why Sonic was the person here. He didn't understand what he was doing. But he couldn't. He was exhausted. Maria's death anniversary always takes a serious toll on him and his emotions. And right now he was bursting at the seems.

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