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[ present day ]

"And now, the band you've all been waiting for.. One direction! Come on out guys!" The announcer from the TV introduced as they appeared on TV.

"Ria, please change the channel." I asked.

Rialyn did as I told her, then I continued to finish my painting.

"Mommy, why did you ask Auntie Rialyn to change the channel? Aren't they your friends?" Ashley asked.

"Ash, I've told you a million times already, don't you remember who they are?"

"That's Louis, that's Niall, that's Liam. I know who they are mommy, but why do you not talk to them anymore? And why is daddy missing?" Ashlynn asked.

"Because you might not understand why I did what I did, and how would I know?" I told her.

"Okay. But mommy, I'm almost six years old now. I can understand mommy, I promise."

"Alright fine Ash."

[ years ago ]

"Ryan, turn off your stupid alarm! It's been ringing for the past 10 minutes!" My dad shouted waking me up.

"Sorry dad." I mumbled.

I lazily slumped out of bed, grabbed my glasses off the bedside table, and made my way to my bathroom where I put on my contacts and got ready for school.

Today was my favorite day of the week, Monday. Now I know most people dreaded Mondays because they hated going to school, but I on the other hand, loved them and school as well. It was where I was away from the monster. Also known as; my dad.

I continued to get ready and once I was done, I made my way downstairs.

"Morning dad." I greeted. I looked through the cupboards and the fridge to look for something to eat, but having real food in the pantry was rare.

"Can you hand me a beer?" My dad asked.

"Dad, you've already had-"

"Can you stop talking? You're giving me a headache." He groaned.

"Maybe because of all the alcohol you've had." I quietly mumbled to myself. I finally found a box of microwaveable Mac & Cheese and started to cook it.

"Ryan!" I heard the man I call my father shout.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Stop making so much noise." He grumbled.

I heavily sighed then went back into the kitchen where I finished cooking the Mac & Cheese. I pulled out a drawer and took out a pad sticky notes and a pen. I wrote a quick message, stuck it on the bowl, and left for school.

I wish I had a car, that would make my life way easier. But sadly, due to my father's carelessness and my part time salary we only have enough money. Everything in my life was just enough, never more never less. I was never really loved, after my mom left, my dad blamed me. They called me a mistake, a screw up, and they never wanted me.
But yet, here I am taking care of him better than myself.

My school wasn't too far from the house so it was a short walk. I entered the school with my head down and earphones in my ears. I liked not being noticed, I didn't like drawing attention to myself.

I made my way to my locker, but of course, the same two guys had to be across the hall just staring at me. Harry Styles and his best friend Louis Tomlinson. I kept my back turned to them, but I could feel their stares go straight through me.

Now, would be a good time for the bell to ring. But instead, God wanted to make me suffer.

"Hi." Harry greeted cheekily.

I stared down at the ground. "Hi."

"Why do you always have your head down?" Harry asked pressing his back against the lockers.

"Harry I've practically grew up with you and you start talking to me now?" I said, "We've had the same classes, we went to the same elementary school, same middle school. Why're you talking to me?"

"Well, um, I was going to ask if we could-"

"No thanks." I interrupted, "I'm sorry I just don't have the time."

Thankfully, the bell finally rung. I made my way to first period. I sat in my normal seat, second to last row, second to last seat.

I settled into my seat and placed my books and such on my desk I glanced up at the door which was swung open.

Oh yeah, I had first period with Harry Styles everyday.

As he neared me finding a seat, I tried my best not to look up at him- well not be noticed more like. His scent trailed behind him as he walked past me and sat directly behind me.

Throughout class I could feel him staring, him watching my every move. Why was he doing this? The Harry Styles I grew up with and knew wouldn't even look at girls like me. With looks and a voice like his, he could get any girl he wanted. So why was he wasting his time on me?

When class was finally over I stuffed everything in my bag and rushed for the door. I still had two more classes with Harry, but one of them with two of his friends. Louis and Niall.

I've worked with Niall on a project once. But we barely interacted, the longest conversation we've had was about who was going to talk first during our presentation.

After school ended I quickly made my way home to check on the monster and get ready for work.

"Ryan, what did I tell you about being so noisy?" My dad spat right when I walked through the door.

I ignored his comment, I went up to my room where I emptied out my backpack on the floor, which was what I did everyday after coming home. I went through the loose papers that I had crumbled in my bag and separated them into piles. After sorting the first few papers I came across three slips of paper.

9:12  am

11:46 am

2:18 pm

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