#6 The room

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The Child wakes in The Room

It is white

With nothing but three mirrors

The child is afraid

He's seen this before

On his hand are initials

The letters F.T.

Branded on his hand

He looks around

Nothing has changed

It's the same as always

This time he tries to find a door

For he knows if he looks into the mirror

It'll be all over. Again.

Yet again

To no avail does he find a door

He gives up

Then finally musters up the courage

To walk to the mirrors

They are all lined up

The one on the left

Angled right to face him

The one on the right

Angled left to face him

The one in the middle

Facing directly towards him

They seem to be placed like this

So as for the child

To see the reflection in every mirror

All at once

The left one

A tattered mirror

With pieces missing from the glass

And it's frame's paint chipped

The wood old and beaten

The right one

A cheap mirror

Seemingly made of plastic

The kind used in toys

It's color, a lilac purple

The middle one

An ornate mirror

It's wood painted

With glossy black lacquer

Precious stones of white

Dotted around the frame

Making a pattern the child

Did not know how to describe

"It looks like shit" the child says to himself

He hated that mirror

He hated the way it looked

But he could not tell why

All three mirrors stand tall

A height at least four feet taller than the child

They loom over the child

He finally gives in

And looks into the mirror

He first looks left

But he does not see himself

He sees his brother

The little boy

Afraid of the world

Scared of what life brings him

Then the child looks right

What he sees in the reflection

Is his friend

Not wanting the fun to end

Taking nothing seriously

Pretending that it doesn't matter what happens

As long as he's having fun

Finally the child looks toward the center

The smile in the reflection sends fear down his spine

It's that same smile that always follows him

Every day, making his life hell

In that reflection

He sees the bully

They look so similar

But he knows

They are different

He could never be like that person

He hates him

Wishes he was dead

Wishes he never found the child

"Why do you plague me" the child asks the mirror

"I plague no one, you simply plague yourself" it responds


He wakes from his dream.

"Or was it a nightmare..?" he asks himself.

He looks around.

Everything seems unfamiliar.

"How long was I in that room?

How long did I stare into those mirrors?"

He ponders as he recollects his dream.

He looks at himself, and realizes

He doesn't recognize his hands.

He doesn't recognize the feet attached to his legs.

He doesn't recognize where he is.

It's all so sanitary and white.

Filled with a clean smell.

Too clean of a smell...

Where was he?

Who was he?

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