A life changing experience (prologue)

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Author's note: This chapter is very long, as it mainly contains a lot of talking with different characters. The reason is because this is the first chapter, the prologue, and a lot of introductions are needed for future chapters. I hope you enjoy this and don't get bored, because this first chapter takes a lot of time to read.

In the admits of a very strange and large desert, laid an abandoned place. Small and large buildings that were destroyed, seeming as they might fall or collapse any second. The walls and a little of the ground were covered in green substance, meaning that the place was already there for a long period of time.

In the middle of all of that, stood a small building which looked like a castle. That place didn't look abandoned at all. Instead, it looked beautiful without any of that green substance and any cracks, covered with beautiful small lights that could light up the whole thing in the night.

But there were also countless people around the said castle building, all either walking around outside or inside. They also had a gun or a long sharp knife, which they would probably use for something dangerous. It's not yet answered if these people were dangerous or not, because they were a little bit mysterious as to what they were doing in an abandoned place inside of a desert.

admits to that, the whole place, including the abandoned buildings, were covered by the sand that got dragged by the cold touchy wind. It helped, like it was said, to cover the whole area up and make it that nobody could see the whole place. It was incredibly useful to those said men, as they could do whatever they wanted without anybody knowing or reporting it to the higher ups.

But there, somewhere out of that abandoned place, on top of a sandy hill, stood a mysterious man. The said man looked towards the swept away kubuzi sand, straight towards where the small castle building was. His face was covered, starting to move towards where he was looking, without caring how lousy his footsteps possibly were. No one could hear him anyway as he was far away, but he was cautious. Either it was to ensure that he didn't fall from taking a wrong step, or that he didn't step in some kind of laid trap, if there was one in the deep warm sand.

Back to the small castle building as the men in suits were cautious as they looked around. None of them looked friendly, as their eyes didn't have any sort of emotion in them.

One particular man went to the side of the building to look out for suspicious activity, only to easily get knocked out from a blow on the head. It was the mysterious man, who seemed to have finally arrived at his destination.

Leaning his back against the wall and looking a few seconds at the unconscious man, he also made sure to take away his long sharp knife so he couldn't hurt him if he woke up. The mysterious man peeked his head out but didn't lean in too much, otherwise he had to make another plan if he was seen in any kind of way.

He noted down the number of people in suits that he saw, the ones that were outside at least. The number of people would mean that it would be much simpler to take them out if they were with a few, but would be kinda hard if they were with a lot.

But since there weren't that many of them outside and around the entire small castle building, it made it much easier for the man. So the man left his current position, walking crouched around the entire place and silently knocking out of killing the man in suits.

He made sure that every one of them on the outside were all done for, making a few rounds and trying his best not to get seen by anyone that was inside. He also took away all the weapons, so that no one could take them and harm him with a surprise.

After making sure they were either all down or dead, adding to where he took all the weapons away, the mysterious man silently walked to the front and looked around his surroundings. He made his way to the door, as he was going to begin doing what he did outside, now on the inside.

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