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7: The First Confession

Present – Unraveling the Threads

The morning air was crisp as Akihiko stepped out onto the university grounds. A thin layer of fog rolled across the fields, making the world seem hazy, almost dreamlike. Akihiko often felt like this these days—caught in a mist of half-truths and lingering regrets. The guilt of withholding everything from Sayuri had become an unbearable weight on his shoulders.

His thoughts kept returning to the memory of that day in the lab—the day of the accident. Every time he closed his eyes, he could still hear the sound of breaking glass, the screeching tires, the blood on the pavement. That was the day his world had unraveled, setting in motion the events that had led him back to this second chance.

But now, what was he supposed to do with it?

As he walked, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Pulling it out, he saw a message from Kenji.

"Coffee later?"

Akihiko smiled slightly. Kenji had been making an effort to reconnect, and though things were still awkward, it was a step in the right direction. He quickly typed a reply.

"Sure. After class?"

He pocketed his phone and continued on his way, his thoughts once again returning to Sayuri. He hadn't seen her since their conversation the day before, and the silence between them felt both comforting and painful. There was a strange relief in not having to face her just yet, but the longer he waited, the harder it would become to confess everything.

As he neared the physics building, he resolved that he couldn't put it off any longer. He would see her today, after class. No more excuses.

Flashback – An Unexpected Ally

Years ago, when Akihiko and Sayuri were still deep in their academic rivalry, there had been a moment where Akihiko's respect for her had shifted to something deeper. It had been a day when they were both working late in the lab, their project deadlines looming. Sayuri had always been the type to push herself to the edge, and Akihiko, though competitive, had admired her tenacity.

That evening, they had been the last two students in the lab, the air between them thick with tension. They hadn't spoken a word to each other in hours, but Akihiko could feel Sayuri's presence like a magnet pulling him in. She was working intensely on her experiment, adjusting the data with quick, precise movements.

At one point, her hand slipped, and the glass beaker she was holding shattered on the floor.

Akihiko had immediately moved to help, his instinct to be there for her overpowering their rivalry in that moment.

"You okay?" he had asked, crouching down to pick up the broken pieces.

Sayuri had blinked in surprise, not used to him offering assistance. For a moment, she hesitated, then smiled softly. "Thanks. I didn't expect you to be so helpful."

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