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Sensitive content: mention of self harm and death.

It had been six months, exactly six months since his wife, Sara Tendulkar died in a accident. He stood by the balcony, staring blankly at the ground, the moon illuminating his face.

A lone tear escaped his eyes remembering the moments they shared, the laughter, the pain. When Sara died a part of him died with her. A part only she could fix, a part only she knew. Sara was his life, the reason he lived.

Even though he has alot of people who love him by his side, the moment she left the world turned grey, it wasn't the same with her, it will never be. His grief was more compared to the love he recieved.

Each day was a painful memory of his loss, each room, each place was a memory of her. Everyday he woke up expecting to be in her arms, but all he recieved was a empty bed.

He could see her everywhere, he could hear her giggles, her laughter through the walls he once called home. But, the truth was anywhere he was with Sara was him home.

As he stared down from the balcony he saw two kids reminding him of the future he planned with Sara. She wanted to be a mother more than anything and he knew for a fact that she would have been the best mother. But now, the memory of her laying in his arms talking about their kids, just became a distant memory, a memory he would want to live forever.

He closed his eyes, leaning against the wall,
"Live for me Shub, just live for me love." Her voice echoed through his ears. Her pale face, lingering on his mind. But what was living without her? Each day he was fighting with himself, for letting her leave him.

How could he just let her go when they promised to love eachother for another seven lifes? How could he let her go when he had created an entire future with her? How could he let go of the woman who taught him what love is?

Shubman looked up the sky, the stars began to twinkle reminding of him of what she would say.

2 months ago

Sara laughed snuggling in Shubman's arms, they were settled together on a beach, bodies tangled to each other.

Shubman looked up pointing to the stars, shining brighter than ever.

"You see those stars, Shub? They're like our love, constant and everlasting, no matter what." Sara said kissing the tip of his nose making him giggle.


Tears rolled down from Shubman's cheeks, smiling sadly at the memory of the love they shared. He remembered his therapist telling him that it gets better by time, but what if it doesn't? What if all he wants to do is go back in her arms? Relive all the memories?

Shubman looked up as he felt droplets of water in his face. It was raining and the rain began to soak him, but his mind was stuck on how she would start running to the roof like a baby seeing rain.


Sara and Shubman were snuggled up watching a rom-com movie, laughters exchanging. As minutes passed Sara's gaze drifted outside and her eyes shined with mischief and delight.

Sara pulled away from Shubman's arms, running towards the roof while giggling.

"Where are you going baby?" Shubman asked shaking his head.

"Follow me!" Sara replied giggling.

Shubman's heart reached as he watched Sara climb up the stairs as he reached near the roof the sound of rain filled his ears.

He looked at the roof to see Sara jumping, arms wide open, as he watched her, the time stood still.

Each droplet of water falling in her skin, glistening like tiny diamonds. The shorts and shirt she wore clung to her skin, illuminating her undeniable beauty.

Shubman watched as she twirled, her long hair cascading over her shoulder, framing her like a piece of art. Her brown eyes twinkled with delight, making him smile.


Shubman chuckled at the memory of her sulking face after he scolded her for getting sick. He got lost in his thoughts, the question of "why her? Why not me?" lingered in his head.

His hands shakily reached his phone, his wallpaper tearing him up, it was a picture of Sara, in her white floral dress with the biggest smile on her face.

He opened his message and typed one final message to his friends and family, his hands typed and untyped unsure of what to say, how to write down what he feels, how should he explain to them? How to should he tell them that he is leaving the world?.

With a frustrated sign, he tossed away his phone. He looked down, the ground ready to accept him in a world of darkness, but if it meant reuniting with his love, his Sara, he could care less.

"I am coming, love." Was the last thing he said before, the darkness of death and love of Sara envoleped him.

It is a happy ending. They met in afterlife. They are united. Author was feeling depressed, so she wrote this 🙏🏼. Hope you guys liked the chapter. Also, ya'll want any specific scene or chapter?


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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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