That Fateful Night

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If he thinks he could control me... Well.
He thought darkly.

It has been three hours in an upscale club in Las Vegas and instead of enjoying himself, Daemon Waters was bored.

Bored and sulking really.

He came out to Lux, the exclusive bar of his best friend, Nico, in order to drown his sorrows and yet here he was three hours later, still nursing the same drink and feeling lousy.

For someone who was almost 30 years old, Daemon's life was still largely controlled by his father. Some stupid codicil that his great (don't care how many greats) grandfather had added to the Waters' inheritance will in perpetuity. Daemon cursed under his breath and finally finished his drink in one big gulp.

Right... Time to find the perfect Mrs. Waters.


Alex Smith was having the time of her life. She was finally free of her college loans and decided to go all out in treating herself. A first for her in four years.

Instead of the usual long term loan payments, she decided to make sure to pay off her student loans as early as possible. It had meant saving and scrimping even if she earned good money as a nurse, but it had been worth it.

Now at twenty five, her life can finally begin and tonight was just the start. She brought a ridiculously expensive cocktail dress and designer heels and finally took upon her cousin on her incessant need to show her "how the upper 1% lived."

She was partying the night away with said cousin, Regina, who had married for money, just like her mother and Alex's.

Alex, however, saw the downside of that. Constantly worrying about your looks, being almost a literal doormat to a man you wouldn't otherwise look at, and clawing at other women to make sure you keep your position as "trophy wife" to a balding middle aged millionaire or the other. Oh, and having already scooped up a back up sugar daddy in case all that ended up in the inevitable divorce.

Alex knew that wasn't the life for her, so the moment she graduated from her posh highschool in Beverly Hills (thanks to her mother's third husband), she took what savings she had and flew to Boston in order to gain an education and make own her way in the world.

Unlike Regina, Alex was a daughter with her mother's first love, not a rich sugar daddy slash husband. She didn't have daddy's money to fall back on.

Shaking her head of her maudlin thoughts, Alex smiled at the good looking blonde she was currently dancing with and laughed as said blond tried to gyrate more on her. He was cute, but he was not that cute.


Daemon took a reluctant turn on the dance floor with one of his friend's floozies just to get out his boredom when he heard the most melodic laugh. It sounded way too sweet for a place like this and it made him swivel his head towards the sound.

What he saw mesmerized him in a way that he had never experienced in his almost thirty years of life.

She was ethereal, her pale skin bouncing off the strobe lights as her short silver sequined dress clung to every inch of her perfect body. The angel shook her halo of dark blonde loose curls at the guy was she was dancing with, obviously (and rather expertly) pushing him away without it being offensive. The smile she levied on the poor mortal man should have had the man begging on his knees.

He didn't know he had some poetry in his blood, he certainly never had thought in these terms until tonight.

Daemon just stood there dumbstruck for what seemed like hours but it could have only been seconds before he found himself striding towards the angel of his dreams.


Alex didn't know the guy's name, it could have been Justin or Josh or whatever but she was too drunk to remember. He was being a little too handsy and she decided to step back a bit to get away from his grabby hands.

She bumped into something and would have toppled over if not for the strong hand on her elbow.

Startled, Alex looked up and saw the most incredible green eyes looking down on her. The fact that the said eyes were attached to a rather statuesque face kinda escaped her drunken notice at the moment, but she smiled all the same. The eyes were truly beautiful.

"Hi, angel." Said a full mouth somewhere from where the green eyes were.

Alex could only smile wider.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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