Near The Casket

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In a graveyard that is fairly close to the city of New Meridian laid a very special tomb that belongs to the daughter of a famous family of Oprah singers

Her name was Sienna Cantiello or as other's call her Squigly and around the the neck of her corpse was her family's guardian parasite Leviathan, peacefully sleeping protecting her corpse

But he was suddenly awoken from his slumber by what felt like a sudden wave of an otherworldly power

Leviathan:....hmm this....rather peculiar

The white serpent like creature said as he noticed his master's finger make a very subtle twitching motion and when he turned around to look at her face her eye had shot open

Leviathan: what the, are you alright miss Cantiello

Squigly lightly giggled as she was happy to see her companion again

Squigly: I am quite alright Leviathan, although I must say it's a little trouble some that I didn't get much sleep this time

Leviathan: hmm well regardless of that, the fact that you're back from the dead must mean there's another Skullgirls mucking about. Soo shall we

Squigly: indeed we shall

Leviathan then used his tail to open the coffin and pull the both of them out from underground, they quickly scan the area to see if this skullgirl was near by, taking in The melancholy atmosphere of the graveyard as they do so

As look around they quickly notice that no one else had risen from their tombs and graves
Which what is deeply perplexing to the both of them

Squigly: your seeing this to right Leviathan

Leviathan: indeed I am, it appears that the other graves have been untouched

Squigly: I uhh suppose that's a good thing but why are we the only ones to be brought back

Leviathan: I haven't a clue my lady, but I highly doubt any explanation would reap something good out of it

Squigly:...... wait a minute Leviathan do you see that girl over there

Leviathan then turned twords a tall tree that was sitting in the graveyard as Squigly started to approach it

Once they got close enough they were able to see a girl that was lying unconscious under the tree, she had very long hair that was a very light blonde color, she was adorned with a hoodie with a very unique hourglass design on it as well as a pair of blue jeans but the most notable part of this girl was her physical appearance but rather as strange or as she gave off which felt more noticeable the closer they got to her

Once they got close enough to her Leviathan then cautiously spend his serpentine body towards the girl that they better examine her

Leviathan: mmmh, who is this girl

Squigly: I'm not sure but despite this odd Aura she seems harmless

Suddenly the girl jolted awake and was breathing rapidly as she looked all around her
Desperately trying to figure out where she was

Squigly responded by gently put her hand on The strangers shoulder and tried to calm her down

Squigly: hey hey is okay, just calme down your alright. Everything is fine

???: who are you and where am I

Squigly: my name is...Squigly and this is my companion Leviathan

Leviathan: I'm happy to make your acquaintance, mind introducing yourself

The mysterious girl Squigly up and down and started to nervously shake

???: ....... are you.... some of zombie, y-your not going to eat my brains are you

Squigly: oh no, I may be of the undead but I have no intention of feasting on your flesh or your brains. The very idea makes me want to puke in all actuality. But back to the topic at hand mine's telling me your name is dearest

???: r-right umm for umm for some reason the name Aeon comes to mind, but I'm not really sure if it was my name or if it was the name of a family member or something

Squigly: why would she be so uncertain if Aeon was your name or not

The young girl who they decide to refer to as Aeon in the meantime then blushes slightly as she puts her hand on her head and tries to keep herself calm despite how stress she was feeling right now

Aeon: I I just, I don't remember anything

Leviathan: aww poor thing, it appears that she is suffering from the same condition as that Medici lady

Squigly offered Aeon her hand and helped her up

Aeno: umm thanks for being nice to me

Squigly: oh it's no trouble, I just like being nice

Leviathan: mmh, this a little too odd to be a coincidence

Squigly: oh something on your mind Leviathan

Leviathan: well, isn't it a bit weird that at the same time you and I happen to be the only ones to come back from the dead we also just so happened to run into an amnesiac girl that was resting not too far from our grave

Aeon: I uhh I don't think I like where this is going

Leviathan: oh my apologies in hindsights I was poor phrasing on my part, all I need is suggesting is that perhaps where the brought his back happened to be close to you at one point. Like maybe this is Fates weird way of bringing us together to go after the same individual

Aeon: oh umm I uhh guess that

Squigly then gently puts her hand on Aeon's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile

Squigly: come on let's get out of here

And so the Squigly proceeded to guide Aeon to the city, hoping in having a little bit of fun with her and find any new information about the strange situation they found themselves in


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