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Just thought I'd clear some things up. I don't want you getting confused with characters so I thought it would be easier if I wrote down all of the cast.

●Elizabeth Aspyn Carter Jackson~
▪Goes by Elizabeth (grandparents), Carter (friends and family), Liza (sisters), El (friends), and Aspyn (friends when mad at her)
▪Is the youngest of four
▪Best friend of Eva and Kennedy

●Cynthia Rose Jackson~
▪Oldest of four
▪Goes by Cece (friends and family), Cynthia (teachers and grandparents), and Rosie (Bree and parents)
▪Younger twin of Bree

●Sabrina Louise Jackson~
▪Oldest of four
▪Goes by Bree (friends and family), and Sabrina (teachers and grandparents)
▪Older twin of Cece

●Christina Ruth Jackson~
▪Middle child of four
▪Goes by Crissy (only by close friends and family), Chris (Carter), Christina (teachers, friends, and grandparents)

●Eva Penelope Smith~
▪Goes by Eva
▪Best friend of Kennedy and Carter

●Kennedy Maire AppleWhite~
▪Goes by Kenny or Kennedy
▪Best friends of Eva and Carter

●Charlotte Elizabeth Willhence~
▪Mother of Cynthia, Sabrina, Christina, and Carter
▪Goes by Lottie (friends and family), Momma Jackson (daughters friends) or Mom (daughters)
▪Married to Wilfred James Jackson

●Wilfred James Jackson~
▪Father of Cynthia, Sabrina, Christina, and Carter
▪Goes by James (friends and family) or Dad/Pops (daughters)
▪Married to Charlotte Elizabeth Willhence

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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