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"Crap, it's only 9:50PM and the Uber is already down stairs. I thought I told them 10:20PM sharp." Clarissa silently cursed to herself.

"Maybe they like to be fashionably early here?" I said, scrambling to grab my clutch and shoes from my suitcase.

"Either way, we have to be out of here in 5 minutes." I muttered an 'okay' and continued to apply my make up. Four minutes later, I was standing by the door, clutch in hand, waiting for Clarissa. Finally, me in my high waisted black jeans, crop top, and nude pumps, and Clarissa in a tight black dress and black heels, we were ready to leave. 20 minutes later we arrived at the front of the club with "Crush" in neon lights and a long line of people that went all around the bend of the block.

"How are we ever going to get in?" I muttered in annoyance.

"Don't worry, stick with me babe and we'll go to places." She winked and got out of the taxi with me trailing behind her.

"So," I said, finally catching up to her." care to explain how in the world we are ever going to get in within the near future?"

"Well, my dad has a friend from college who lives in London, so I talked to him a bit over the phone and he introduced me to his son, who has a very nice singer-type voice, I might add. So I talked to his son for a bit and turns out he's like buddy-buddy with the manager of the club. So, in conclusion, he got us in." I nodded and joined her as she walked into the club, confidently.

The blaring music consumed us. There were large clumps of people spread around different areas of the dance floor, a row a couches against the wall on the left side, and a bar on the right. Clarissa grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the dance floor. At first, I felt self conscious dancing, jumping, and swaying amongst the group. But gradually I allowed myself to let loose and enjoy the atmosphere.

"It's midnight! Happy birthday, T! You're finally 21!" She yelled and then hugged me tightly, nearly making me fall over.

"Thank you!" I grinned and continued dancing.

"Dude." Clarissa nudged me. "You see that guy over there. Around 3 o'clock your way." I looked in the direction she was pointing towards. In the direction around 3: 30, a guy with shaggy brown hair dressed in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt was dancing, but looking our way.

"What about him?" I asked Clarissa, curiously.

"He's been looking our way, specifically at you, for the past 3 songs." She said with a devious smile. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the guy, smiling.

"What should I do?" I asked timidly.

"You're not a rookie at this. In fact, you are above average. Remember when you met Ja--" I glared at her. "Right, got it. What I'm trying to say is you have two options. A) You go over there, be yourself, and completely slay. Or B) He comes over here, you be yourself, and still completely slay."

"I'm just a little out of practice." I shrugged.

"I know you've been out of the game for a year or two, but how about this? If any one of us wants to leave for whatever reason, just text four consecutive times. That will be our queue to leave." She said reassuringly.

"Got it." I smiled gratefully. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw the guy in black standing in front of me.

"H-Hi." I said nervously, and quickly added a smile.

"Hello." A British accent greeted me. "Mind joining me for a drink?" He held out his hand. I could hear Clarissa squeal and then push me lightly towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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