chapter one

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The vibrations of the tour bus were soothing, like the hum of a familiar lullaby. Ellie sat cross-legged on one of the oversized leather seats, her violin resting against her leg, fingers idly tracing the carved wood. Outside, the world blurred into a streak of colors as the bus barreled down the highway, taking them to their next stop on the Take Me Home tour.

She glanced around the bus. Niall was in the back, strumming his guitar absentmindedly, humming something that sounded like a mix between an unfinished song and a poorly disguised snack jingle. Zayn and Liam were playing some sort of competitive game on their phones, each muttering insults when the other scored higher. Harry was sprawled on the couch, sunglasses on, even though they were indoors—classic Harry.

Louis sat near the front, headphones hanging loosely around his neck as he flipped through something on his phone. Ellie caught herself glancing his way, but only for a moment. She quickly pulled her focus back to her violin, plucking a few strings and letting the soft notes fill the otherwise quiet bus. It was always like this before a show—a strange combination of nerves and comfort. After all, these boys were her family in more ways than one, and no matter how much pressure came with being a part of the world's biggest boy band, there was a sense of belonging here.

"Oi, Devil's Violinist, you trying to summon demons again?" Niall's voice cut through the quiet, his cheeky grin already lighting up his face as he looked at her.

Ellie smirked, rolling her eyes but playing along. "You say that like it's a bad thing. Demons are more fun than you, anyway."

Niall faked a gasp, clutching his chest in mock offense. "I'm hurt. I'm a delight and you know it."

She laughed, setting her violin aside as Niall came over to sit beside her, draping an arm over her shoulders. It felt natural—like the hundreds of other times they'd done this. He was her older brother, her protector, her best friend. And yet, in this whirlwind of fame and pressure, Ellie knew that Niall wasn't the only one who made her feel... grounded.

"Hey, you good?" Niall's voice was quieter now, just for her.

Ellie shot him a look, trying to keep her face neutral. "Yeah. Just... you know, pre-show jitters."

Niall knew better, of course, but he didn't push. Instead, he gave her a gentle nudge and nodded toward the front of the bus. "Show's coming up. You know the drill. We crush it."

Ellie smiled, grateful that Niall always seemed to know what to say. He'd been by her side through everything, and no matter what happened—on stage or off—he always made her feel like she belonged.


By the time they reached the arena, the buzz of excitement was contagious. Fans were already gathering outside, waiting for even a glimpse of the boys. Ellie slipped her sunglasses on as they stepped off the bus, but it was mostly to avoid the piercing stares and whispered comments she sometimes caught from certain groups of fans. Being Niall Horan's little sister came with its perks, but being the only girl in One Direction? That wasn't always easy.

"Ellie! Niall! Over here!" A cluster of fans waved from the barriers, holding up signs that said everything from We love you, Ellie! to Marry me, Niall!

Niall grinned and waved back, effortlessly charming, as always. He pulled Ellie along beside him, waving at the fans together. The support from most of them was overwhelming in a good way, but Ellie couldn't help the small flicker of doubt that rose in her chest every time she heard the occasional negative comment. Over the years, she'd learned to block out the noise—mostly.

Once inside the arena, the familiar hustle and bustle of sound checks and preparations enveloped her. The tech crew was already hard at work, the boys getting their mics adjusted while Ellie tuned her violin for the set. Everything felt routine—until Simon walked in.

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