Chapter 1

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You worked at a small cat cafe that was a popular spot for UA students. Since the cafe was only a 10 minute walk away from the campus, you found that a lot of students would come after their classes to destress and hang out with your cats. Your father was the one who founded the cafe, but after he got too old to do anything but train cats, you found yourself becoming the pseudo owner. The only awkward catch was that you couldn't speak, which was luckily remedied by an invention you made that would turn your thoughts into speech, but it meant that your tone was sometimes hard to understand since it only had one voice.

One day you were listening to the calming cafe music when customers walked in and came up to the register.

"Oh. Are you in the new UA class?" Your robotic voice asked as you stared at a green haired boy with an awkward smile, a bubbly brown haired girl wearing pink, and a smaller girl wearing green, who was sorta spacing.

"Yeah! I'm Midoriya, Izuku." The green haired boy introduced himself.

"Uraraka, Ochako." The pink girl introduced herself as well.

"Asui, Tsuyu." The spacy girl looked back at you.

"Welcome to the cat cafe." Your robotic voice spoke, and you smiled to show you were being friendly. The robotic speaker sat on your shoulder so anyone could tell it was not you speaking. "What would you like to order?"

"Uh- Uraraka, would you like to go first?" Izuku asked.

"How about a vanilla latte?" She asked and you nodded, entering it into the display.

"Same as her." Tsuyu spoke, and you changed it to 2 vanilla lattes, before you looked at Izuku, waiting for his order.

"Can I get a matcha latte?" Izuku finally spoke, and you nodded entering into the display before turning it towards them to confirm the order was correct.

"Take a seat at any table. I'll bring out the drinks when they're done." The robotic translator spoke, and they went off to go play with the cats, and you began to prepare drinks. In an attempt to keep the cafe affordable you and your sister were the only two people who worked at the cafe, and since your sister was in high school it meant you were the only person who was consistently at the cafe. Your father helped with the cats, but it was hard for him to do anything then train cats, which meant you took orders, made those orders, and served them out to customers.

You finished up the orders, and took them out to the three students. For the most part the day was slow, it was a Wednesday afternoon, your busiest days were definitely the weekends.

"So you guys are first years, yeah?" You asked, and Ochako nodded.

"Yeah! We just got started, our teacher has been super harsh." She laughed awkwardly, and you frowned for a moment. "Who's your teacher? The first year teachers normally aren't too bad."

"Ah. Eraserhead? You might have heard of him." Tsuyu spoke.

You had heard of Eraserhead, in fact he was your favorite pro hero, and you tried your best to hide the delight on your face. "I didn't know he taught at UA." Your robotic voice spoke, and for a second you were grateful that there was no tone to the translation, because you knew that if you were speaking you would've been so giddy. If anyone ever found your little fan posters, you might end your life right then and there.

"Yeah, he's pretty strict," Izuku added, rubbing the back of his neck. "But he's really cool. His quirk is amazing."

You nodded, trying to play it cool even though inside you were basically fangirling. Eraserhead teaching at UA? That was huge! You wanted to ask more, but you didn't want to come off as weird. Instead, you quickly redirected the conversation.

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