Pushing Xalthor Back

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Realizing the coalition was closing in, Xalthor took a step back, his composure faltering. "Foolish mortals! You cannot hope to succeed! I have the power of the abyss at my command!"

But Arlojin was relentless. "A power built on fear is destined to fail! Your dark forces will turn against you once we sever your connection!"

With a swift motion, Arlojin conjured Mirror Image, creating illusory duplicates of himself to confuse Xalthor's sight. The warlock's eyes darted among the copies, searching for the real threat.

"You think illusions can save you?" Xalthor roared, his voice filled with rage as he unleashed a wave of dark energy, attempting to obliterate the images.

In the chaos, Arlojin seized the moment. "Now! Surround him!" he commanded, pushing forward with his warriors. They closed ranks, forcing Xalthor toward the edge of the battlefield, where dense trees loomed, creating a natural barrier.

"No! I will not be trapped!" Xalthor bellowed, his voice now tinged withdesperation. He attempted to retreat, but the coalition pressed harder, cuttingoff his escape routes with a barrage of spells and steel.

A Clash of Shadows: The Battle of EldergroveWhere stories live. Discover now