An immense silence falls among the youngest of youths in district 12. Effie Trinket's slender fingers dig around in the jar, picking up a small paper, making everyone stop breathing. Complete stillness takes over the crowd as Ms. Trinket prys open the envelope. A fake smile emerges on her overly pale face as she peers at the name in front of her.

" Primrose Everdeen! " An overly upbeat tone echoes out, making everyone let out the air they were sucking in. Only one gasp erupts from the people of 12, Katniss. Prim slowly walks up, tucking in her duck tail as Katniss chases after her. " Prim! " Not being able to handle it anymore, a certain red head calls out from the huge group of people. " I volunteer as tribute! " A frail girl emerges out, shoving through the guards and walking up to the huge stage. As Effie looks at the girl overjoyed, the same saddened expression stays painted onto her lips, " What's your name? "
" Annette Monroe. " Annette whispers into the microphone, trying to stop herself from sobbing. " Well Annette, how stunning it is of you to volunteer! Let's have a big hand for our first ever volunteer. " Even at Effie's request the crowd stays totally silent as they kiss their fingers raising them high, showing deep rebellion against the capitol. Quickly ushering Annette away, Effie picks another once again.

" And now for the boys... Peeta Mellark! "
Another wave of breaths are let out as a blonde boy stays shocked in the middle of everyone, looking around frantically at the eyes staring right back at him, being happy they're not him, being happy they're not doomed to a brutal fate. Peeta drags his feet, the sand dusting up as he she makes his way to the steep stairs. With one quick look back he ascends the path unwillingly, wishing he could run back to the bakery but still he is now stuck, stuck to a short life of only suffering. As they gaze upon the crowd, they're forced to shake hands. Peetas hand grips hers firmly, calluses formed on his palms by the constant kneading of dough. His melancholy filled hazel eyes seem to overfill her own with a deep sense of dread.

" And may the odds be ever in your favor. "
Effie quickly says before her ice cold skin grips their own as she takes them to a huge metal door, shoving them in two separate rooms for meetings with loved ones. Annette sprawls out onto a velvet couch, knowing no one was going to visit her. Tears drip off her eyelashes and down her snow colored cheeks, whimpers emit from her closed mouth. Why the fuck did she volunteer? She isn't meant to be a generous person, Annette Monroe is not kind or good hearted, she is mean. Prim seems to bring out something different within her. There's something about her that really gets Annette full of emotion. But that very thought may just cost her, her life.


Authors note!!!!

Sorry this was a pretty short chapter. I thought that this should be the shortest part as it's kind of uneventful, you know? Also sorry for you Katniss lovers, she isn't going to be in here at ALL. I still love you!!!!

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