The tiny car is full to the brim with an overwhelming sense of trepidation. Tears jump off of Peetas face like leaping frogs while Annette stays completely silent as she listens to Effie squawk about how lucky they were to be there with her. People pass her line of vision as the car rolls to a stop, Annette jumps out along with Effie, who was as they speak gripping her arm, long nails digging in Annette's skin making her grimace.
Pained eyes meet theirs, complete sorrow filling the morning air with every passing second. " Come along. " Effie excitedly whispers to Annette, pulling her to the huge metal train. The deep tones of gray quickly disappear as it is quickly replaced with a beautiful dining room. Vibrant food and radiant drinks sit on every living surface, cluttering the room with an overbearing slap to the face.
Annette sits down politely in a little leather chair, immediately accompanied by a blonde boy. Complete quiet sits between them as Effie goes to find their drunken mentor, " I'm going to find Haymitch. " She disappears into the back cabins, her heels clicking down annoying onto the mahogany floors. Annette studies the outside world that rapidly flies by, turning into blobs of green. Itches crawl up Annette's body as she light lacy blue dress rubs against her delicate skin. Her mom forced her to wear it as to not bring shame to her family's name. No one truly notices if you dress poor since no one cares who you are or what you are.

Broken out of thought by a voice from beside her, Annette's head snaps around, " Have you ever met him? " The tone he set out was as sweet as honey, instant calmness spreads up Annette with each word. Still no sound can be uttered out in response, tears will roll if she looks anywhere but ahead. Clearly thinking she had not heard him correctly he makes it clear who he was speaking of, " Haymitch... "
" Annette he is our mentor, he did win this thing once, you know? " My blue eyes meet his as I turn, a piercing blue sends blades through Peetas body. " If he were to be such an amazing mentor, why isn't he here? Why would he be getting drunk if he was supposed to be alert? The boy who once won the games is clearly gone, overthrown by the complete sorrow of living that it brought to him every day that he still breaths. " A face full of stillness sits throughout her whole rant, not once faltering.
Peeta doesn't let anything else out, he just gazes upon the out spoken girl that just presented herself to him. Annette's eyebrows furrow in utter confusion as he doesn't break eye contact. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, trying to alert him to stop undressing her with his eyes but to no avail. Her own widening in disbelief as a gasp rolls off Annette's tongue as she now remembers where exactly she knew Peeta from.

Rain was pouring down as Annette's stomach rumbled like no other. Complete starvation took over her body as all she could do was stare hopelessly at passersby's who never seemed to return the look of melancholy she presented to them. Her thin arms hide her stomach, trying to put a stop to the rumbling pains. Broken out of thought, yells erupt from the bakery as burnt bread is thrown to the pigs. A prayer drifts through Annette's body as she wishes for just one piece of bread from the bakers son.
His dull eyes that don't quite shine in the rain like they do in the sun, glare over to the tree she is stationed under. His eyebrows change to an emotion not quite seen through the thundering droplets. With one swift motion, the bread hit the huge dirt puddle. Peeta quickly spinning around, heading back inside as soon as the food plopped onto the muddy grounds.

As she continues to ogle at the golden eye wonder in front of her, he turns away, hiding his slightly pink cheeks. Just in time to Haymitch to come clattering in, slightly hitting the wall as he heads to the alcohol, " Congratulations.... " His breath stank of bourbon as he practically breathed down their neck, towering over them menacingly. A liquid brown pours into his small glass as he begins his search for ice. " Where's the ice?" Haymitch asked the kids as if they were the culprits of hiding the ice. " I-I don't... I don't know. "
Haymitch slams down the lid, anger filling his bones as he sits across from the sandy haired man. If looks could kill, Haymitch would have been slaughtered by Annette's unforgiving stare. " So uh... So when do we start? " Making Haymitch clear his throat dramatically at the puny question, " Wow wow so eager... " Haymitch jokes, not exactly lightening the mood, " Most of you aren't in such a hurry... "
Before Peeta can reply Annette takes the chance, " Well see I don't know if you can comprehend this in such a state but you're supposed to be a mentor and teach us ways of life while in the games. " She replies in a tone fit for a baby, which Haymitch entirely ignores. As he takes another long sip of his drink, smacking his thin lips loudly, " Now, mentor? "

" Yes mentor? You're supposed to tell us how to get sponsors and give us advice. " Peeta has a tired complexion as he tries to power through talking to the drunken male in front of him.
" Oh! Okay, uhm embrace the probability of your immediate death! " Haymitch says joyfully as Annette can't help but just stare at him, his greasy blonde hair sweeps over his forehead matching with an equally unwashed stubble. She could tell that he was once attractive, but years fueled by overuse of substances took a toll on him.

" Oh and know in your heart there is nothing I can do to save you! " Haymitch smirks smugly, trying to take another sip before he is rudely interrupted by Annette's anger that clearly boiled up spilling out of the tiny pot it sits in, " Why the fuck are you even here then? If you are going to be totally useless why even be here? " Her knuckles turn ghastly white as she grips the arm chair, trying to control her rage that she doesn't want out in the world.
" Ah refreshments! " Haymitch holds up his glass before trying to take another sip which is stopped by Peeta trying to swipe his drink, " Okay I think that's enough of that! "
Before his finger tips hit the cold imprinted glass, Haymitches foot lays on his chest, keeping Peeta trapped in his chair.
" You made me spill my drink... " Haymitch once again viscously says as he looks at Peeta with pure hatred, " Brand new pants.. " He drunkenly babbles to anyone that will listen.
He quickly shoots up like a rocket, evacuating the cramped room, " You know I think I'll finish this in my room. " Which he obviously gets confused about as he doesn't know which way to go.

The doors slide open ushering him to his safe haven which he gladly takes up. Peeta quickly goes after him, following behind the throw up prone man, " He'll come
around." Annette grabs Peetas arm, having a hard time keeping her slim fingers wrapped around his huge bicep, " Peeta it's no use trying, if you even get to close to him I would bet all of the money I don't have he would throw up on you. "
He doesn't take a second to even comprehend what Annette said before reassuring her that he will get him to give advice to them, " I'll get him to talk, don't you worry. " Peeta rolls up his sleeves before disappearing into the corridor, making Annette let out of a breath she was holding captive.
Annette had a deep, gaping feeling that he would not come around. Once a stupid man unwilling to change, always a stupid man. Or whatever the saying is.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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