Plant creature, apocalypse, virus?? BEETLEJUICE MAN 😍

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I had some weird dream.

At the beginning i was trapped in a room with a cellmate, the two of us were patients and prisoners.. eventually one of the scientists came in panicked and such and ended up locking himself in the room with us. I don't remember much of him; but he heavily resembled Beetlejuice.

Anyway, after a large amount of fighting and stuff i'm assuming there was a good few months of a time skip because now everything was ruined and apocalyptic.

There was these creatures out there, there was a virus that turned humans into this creature. BEETLEJUICE man explained how it wasn't air born, but contagious through touch; basic holding hands, a brush of a shoulder, scratching, biting, etc. etc. and that anyone who had the virus whilst it's at its lowest level would hab this weird mark on their palm or smth.

I think there was another time skip or something, eventually me, my cellmate and beetlejuice man were boarding up the room more, the door had cracked open just a little bit and all three of us got somewhere high up so if there was a break in nothing could touch us.

The door cracked open just enough for those two older men to show up, they both looked really familiar but i can't place my finger on it anymore.. anyway, one of them was visibly taken by the virus, in the middle of turning as it got violent and such. The other man who I knew the most, was taken by the virus too but it seemed to be at its prime. The guy explained more about the situation, how there was something MORE going on, how everything began in the first place.

After that, he became a little guard for us, standing outside of the room as he was never attacked by those things since he was infected.

Eventually the three of us woke up and the male was turned (R.I.P), the room was kind of shattered up, so we stayed low to the ground thanks to everything high not being able to be climbed upon again.

The three of us peered outside to the hallway, it was dark and dim, fucking eerie (i never feel that way in a dream). The male that turned soon came out from a turn in the hallway.

God he looked fucking disgusting— the male was around 9/11fr or something, mostly all skin and bones, cracked up into some really weird shape (think of Life Of Luxury monsters + Catnap and like mix them together with a few flowers and stems) there were roses and stems connected him; kind of moving around in his skin.

It was a very disgusting sight to see, BEETLEJUICE man made sure to keep us quiet, saying how the thing couldn't see us until we spoke or moved.

Eventually the thing left after killing some random person, and the three of us agreed on the fact that we couldn't stay here any longer. Neither one of us were sure how it was in the outside world, but surely it was better than being trapped in a small room with very little escape options if we were suddenly ambushed.

So we escaped, it wasn't anything too interesting here, just finding a bunch of notes and messages from past employees (they we're important but i've been awake long enough to forget about what they said T^T), and we were nearly spotted and attacked several times.

The thing from earlier came back; it was worse and more dangerous than anything else. And spotted the three of us leaving, we all rushed out to a car while it sprouted out branches; plants, etc. to try and grab us all. (The plants would get everyone infected if in our immune system one way or another).

Anyway. We managed to drive away, passing by a few people that screamed seeing the thing chasing us, luckily making them the targets instead.

Another time skip(i forgot anything that happened after) and now we're all in a group, we scrapped any vehicles after BJ man noticed how sensitive those things ears are; walking was better than driving, although slower.

Not sure what happened afterwards, but i ended up flying into the sky watching the group as they all walked and traveled up and through places; idk if i was just spectating somehow or something but yeah.

Anyway, i ended up seeing the creature again, it seemed to still be stalking me, cellmate and BJ.. it grew bigger and was much, much higher than before; not sure how high but it was bigger than the trees now.

It was very close and i rushed down back to everyone and rushed them, saying how we would have to fucking RUN.

And we did the moment some branches/whatever we called them in the dream, broke through some trees and came at us (these branches were pink btw and were glowing). Anyway, everyone immediately rushed, pushed some people back when others were being a hero and helped while running away or adding some time to our hands being a sacrifice.

It was genuinely terrifying, eventually i saw Everyone get picked off one by one as they were suddenly either trapped and trying to escape the weird branches before they could stab them or before pants could choke them and get them infected. Or full on stabbed, flowers or the branch itself forced down their throats, into their bloodstream, etc. just anywhere to get comfortable and lay the virus.

I managed to escape the branches i were trapped in, looking at everyone before running away assuming them for soon to be dead. The creature noticed and made attempts to capture me. I winded up grabbing something from the ground and huddling to the ground as strange sticks sprouted from the ball and made a protection barrier which ended up being some kind of hot air balloon.

And that's when i woke up.

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