Night one- Confusion

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The drive home from my grandmothers house was always a long, but peaceful ride. I would sit in the back with my favourite music playing through my headphones and stare out the window at the nice , green scenery that we drove past, sort of like in movies were the main character would just mystically stare out the windows as some sort of music played in the background. I felt mystical so that's all that mattered.

The sound of my mum and dad laughing was seeping through my loud, heavy music. Me being the very curious type, I turned my music down but still kept my headphones in so I could stickybeak into their conversation without making it noticeable.
"And she pulled out that silly book again! Haha!" My mum said through her laughs.
I assumed they were speaking about my grandmother since I don't actually own any books or didn't bring any with me, but I proceeded to listen in.
"She's always pulling it out, God knows why she keeps it laying around."
"She's into that type of stuff, you know.. Voodoo.. Ghosts..." My dad stupidly stated.
Well I'll have you know I'm also the type of person that has to have my opinion in the conversation. Where I think someone's wrong , I always have to correct them.
"Actually dad.. It's more of a sorcery book than anything else .. It's not black magic or anything like that.." My words turned into murmurs as I stared back out the window.
"Well.. What ever it is's all fake! Some people need to get back into reality "
I slowly turned my music back up as I would know that this conversation would either turn into a debate or just an argument. It's not like I believe in any of that magical stuff.. Witchcraft, enchantments or what every they are, I just like to support people's hobbies. Some people are into collecting coins, others are into catching insects , sticking them in clear boxes and placing them all on their wall.

A couple of hours passed and I was already home in bed watching the usual addictive YouTube. It was around 11:00 so I was thinking maybe I should wrap it up for the night , probably get to sleep before my I become to overly tired or my mum comes in to yell at me. I closed my laptop ,placed it gently down on the floor next to me, laid my head back and fell deeply into sleep.

"Woah what the fuck .. A newcomer?"
A puberty broken voice from a young man came from above me. I slowly started to open my eyes , as I saw four figures staring down at me. My eyes weren't adjusted to the light yet as all I could see was brightness.
"I wonder what she did to Emily.."
A young teenage girls voice spoke.
"Ugh.. Never mind that.. Quickly get her up , it's getting closer!"
Another male voice echoed through my ears , this time his voice was much deeper and masculine.
I tried hardly to spit some words out as I was rubbing my eyes, it had felt as if my head has been hit by a ton of bricks. I tried opening my eyes again but still all I saw was figures and brightness.
" Alright.. Put her onto your back and carry her, she's still half asleep.." the young male voice spoke again.
The feel of hands were wrapping around my body as I felt myself being lifted up off the ground.
"Whe-where?... What?.." They were the only words I could spit out at this time, I felt still completely half asleep.
" c'mon ! Let's get a move on!"
Another female voice spoke, this time a very mature voice, sounding like a lady.

I was mounted onto something that felt to be one of the figures backs, he wrapped his arms around my legs as he stared to run . The sound of breaking walls and falling trees crashed down behind me, giving me the biggest and mostly scariest awakening ever.
I opened my eyes and looked back as a massive stone like ball rolled closer and closer towards us. I screamed in fear and tightened my arms around the mans neck I was on.
I yelled in fear and confusion.
"Not to tight! I need to breath!" The man exclaimed whilst his voice was breathless from running.
I ignored him and buried my face fearfully into his back.
"Look! It's over there"
I looked up to see the young teenage girl pointing forwards. I peered around the mans head to see two red flag as what seemed to be a finish line , just like in one of those racing game.
I was completely speechless as to what was going on , wether I was dreaming or not, or if I've just gone completely crazy.

As we all crossed the finish line I was let go of. The tall man let me down onto my feet carefully and cheered happily as he ran to the other three. I stared at them all in heavy confusion as I wrapped my arms around myself, holding myself tightly.
"YES HAH!" The male voice yelling cheerfully.
"SUCK ON THAT EMILY ! YEAAH!" The teenage girls voice exclaimed.
"YESSS WE SURVIVED ANOTHER NIGHT!" The women yelled happily.
They all jumped around and cheered as if they have all won a million dollars one of those game shows you see on TV.
"Woah, hold the hell up!" I said loudly.
They all turned and broke off the group hug to look at me. The young man stood forward and said whilst chuckling.
"Oh! Yes sorry ! Welcome!"
I stood there staring at him, I thought to myself welcome..? That's the first thing you say ?...
"There was a massive.. Stone ball ... Tumbling behind us.." I began to exclaim as I got closer to them, "crushing everything in its path.. Almost KILLING us... And all you can say .. Is Welcome?!?."
The group stood there watching me, I've never seen these faces before. They all looked speechless so I calmed down a little .
"Nono.. This is all a dream.. Haha.. I've never met you guys and I probably never will.. So it doesn't matter!"
They all looked at each other, the teenage girl and older women sighed a bit as they all looked back at me.
"No! I bet if I pinch myself right now I'll wake up!"
I slid up my sleeve on my pyjama shirt and squeezed onto a bit of skin tightly , the pain rushed from my arm as I closed my eyes , letting out a little ouch.
"Actually.." The man looked down at his watch.
"You should be waking up in about, 20
Seconds.. Well all of us actually."
I let go of my skin and stared at the man confused. I was amazed my pinching technique did not work but also amazed as to how real this dream feels.
The young man came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry, we can explain all of this tomorrow night.."
Tomorrow night? None of what anyone is saying is making sense..
My vision slowly started to grow blurry, colours around me started mixing together and swirling around.
"What's happening now?!" I said as tried rubbing my eyes.
"It's okay! You're just waking up" the young man said as his voice became fainter and fainter. I heard the rest of their voiced too but all I heard were "see you tomorrow night" and "good job guys".the colours all soon turned into pitch blackness.

I sat up in my bed as my eyes shot wide open. I felt the sheets , my pillow, my arms then my face as I was breathing heavily. I was back in my room again and more confused than I have ever been in my life.

I was dreaming.. Surely... I was dreaming.

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