Leaving The Mob

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Trickee took Trickery to his group the Mob the next day 

Trickee: Hey everyone 

Eddy: Hey Trickee who's this

Trickee: My son Trickery I just adopted him yesterday

Snowball: Nice

Electra:  Hi Trickery

Trickery: Hi 

Eddy: Anyway what's out next move cause I think it should be this event 

Trickee: No I'm not gonna have the mob almost get arrested again Eddy I was thinking this show we can sign up for 

Eddy: No

Trickee: Come on

Eddy: We don't want to be on some competition show that's stupid

Trickee: It's not

Eddy: It is 

Trickee: Fine then I'm leaving 

Eddy: Fine see if I care 

Trickee: Oh so it's like that 

Eddy: Yeah

Trickee: Well I can't wait to see you guys fail without your leader and I'm telling you I won't come back 

Then he leaves with Trickery 

Eddy: Good riddance 

Electra: What do we do without our leader?

Eddy: I'm leader now 

Snowball: I don't know Trickee is a great leader

Eddy: Correction he was but not anymore and don't mention him Cheese 

Snowball: Ok 

Trickee and Trickery moved to Remix City to find a new dance group

Trickery: How are we gonna find a new dance group

Trickee: I don't know bud

Then he bumps into someone

Trickee: Watch it 😡

Troll: Sorry wait Trickee

Trickee: Hype 

Hype: I thought you were in Music Hills

Ablaze: Yeah with the mob

Trickee: I left them and I have to find a new group to compete on the dance competition show

Boom: We were gonna do that 

Trickery: Cool

Branch: You can join us

Trickee: Ok but it will have to be more than 7 

Hype: Yeah at least 10 trolls in the group

Branch: I have an idea come on

Then they head to a studio

Trickee: What is this for costumes?

Branch: Not exactly 

Then they see a orange female troll making an outfit

Troll: What is wrong with you Prism this looks terrible

Prism: It's a neon design

Troll: Neon? No this is not what we need

Prism: Whatever 

Isla: Give her a break she's doing well for her first time

Troll: I don't know why we hired her

Then she left

Prism: Ugh if I kew that she would be like this I would've not come 

Isla: You're doing great and screw what the boss says you're talented 

Prism: Thanks

Branch: Hey Pris

Prism: Branch what are you doing here?

Branch: Dance contest coming up and I want you to join us

Prism: I haven't done it a lot since getting the job here 

Branch: Come on you'd be treated better 

Prism: I don't know Branch I'm trying to help my family 

Trickee: Branch what are we doing here exactly?

Branch: Just picking up someone

Prism: Who's pretty boy?

Branch: That's Trickee he was the leader of the mob ever heard of it?

Prism: No 

Trickee: How have you not heard of the mob?

Prism: I'm busy and don't get out much

Branch: Trickee this is Prism she's my cousin and Prism this is Trickee

Prism: Hi

Trickee: Hi 

Branch: Anyway Prism you gotta join us 

Prism: No I'm busy Branch

Ablaze: With what? Getting insulted by your boss?

Prism: Well I have some designs that I'm trying out

Boom: Try them out for the show

Branch: Yeah

Prism: Ok fine

Then they go to find the rest of the team

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