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After accepting the betrayal of his ex and his former best friend, he resolved to let go of the past. The weight of their actions pressed heavily on his heart, but he decided it was time to move on. In a symbolic act of closer, he gathered all the pictures that held remnants of their shared memories~ photos of laughter, promises and dreams~ and set them ablaze. As the flames danced and consumed the past, he felt a bittersweet sense of liberation wash over him. It was as if he had released the shackle of his former life, even though the memories lingered like ghosts in his mind.

One evening, as he made his way home from the hospital where he worked, the streetlights flickered ominously. The cold breeze carried an unsettling chill, but he pressed on, lost in thoughts of healing an patient care. Suddenly, he heard muffled cries echoing from a nearby alley. Curiosity pulled him closer, and as he peered into the shadows, his heart raced. A group of men loomed over a girl, their intentions clear and sinister. Without a second thought, he charged forward, fueled by a rush of adrenaline and a desire to protect. The confrontation was swift but brutal, the men wielded rods, and he felt pain radiate through his body as they struck him, but he pressed on, determined to rescue her. With a surge of strength, he managed to fend them off, shouting in anger as he pulled the girl away from danger. She looked at him with wide, grateful eyes, and as the last of the men retreated into the darkness, he realized he had taken a beating for a stranger. 

"Thank you" she breathed, her voice shaky yet full of warmth. 

"It's not safe for you to go home alone." he replied, instinctively offering to walk her back. 

But then she said something that sent a jolt through him. "I have no home."

"Then where do you live?" he asked, puzzled.

She shrugged, her expression unreadable as they walked side by side. But as they continued down the street, he suddenly glanced to his right, only to find she had vanished without a trace. It was impossible; there were no side streets or corners she could have slipped into so quickly. He felt a pang of confusion and concern. That night, she consumed his thoughts~ her beauty, the way her eyes sparkled even in fear. He found himself staring at the blank screen of his computer, trying to focus on patient's data analysis for the upcoming briefing. The days passed like shadows, and he carried her image in his mind with him like a secret charm, a thread of hope in a life he was trying to rebuild. 

A week later, on his way to work, he strolled through the park, the sun breaking through the clouds and illuminating the world around him. To his surprise, there she was again, dressed in a vibrant outfit that seemed to glow against the greenery. She was playing with a group of puppies, her laughter ringing out like music. His heart raced at the sight; she looked ethereal, almost as if she belonged to another world. 

"Hey!" he called out, moving towards her. "Where did you go the other night?"

"That's just how it works," she replied enigmatically, brushing it off with a light laugh.

He chuckled, unable to shake the feeling that she was hiding something. "I'm glad to see you're okay. I am Nathaniel, I didn't catch your name the other night."

"I'm Elysia." she said, her smile lighting up her face. It was a simple introduction, but her name felt significant, like it carried a weight of its own. 

As they spoke, he lost track of time, entranced by her charm. But soon the clock reminded him of his responsibilities. "I should get going," he said reluctantly. "I'm late for work. But it was really nice meeting you again, see you soon.

He turned to leave, but halfway to the exit, he froze. He hadn't taken her contact information. Turning back, he searched the park, but she was gone. Again. It was baffling. How could someone disappear so quickly?

The hospital kept him busy, but thoughts of Elysia lingered like a sweet melody in his mind. He wondered if she had some sort of supernatural ability to vanish, a playful spirit who slipped between the cracks of reality. 

Days passed, each filled with brief encounters that left him yearning for more. Then, one fateful day, an explosion rocked the city, chaos erupting around him. The hospital was inundated with injured patients, and as he rushed to help, he spotted Elysia in the distance, her eyes wide with fear. She seemed injured too, bruises adorning her arms as if she had fallen or been struck. 

He rushed to her side, his heart pounding. "Elysia! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." she said softly, but he could see the pain etched on her face. He took her inside the hospital, tending to her wounds with care. 

Strangely, as he worked to save other patients in critical condition, he noticed a miraculous change~ those who has been teetering on the brink of death were suddenly stabilized, their pain fading as if a miracle had swept through the room. 

After confirming, the others were in good hands, he returned to check on Elysia, but she had gone again. Unable to resist, he muttered, "Guess she vanished again," a mix of frustration and amusement coloring his face. 

As he headed home, he was startled to see her playing with a group of small children in the park, her laughter ringing out like a siren's song. He approached her, a mix of curiosity and concern bubbling within him. "Where do you go every time?

She brushed of his question, her expression shifting, "How was the day at the hospital? Did the patients do well?"

"They did miraculously," he replied, his heart racing. "But I'd really like to know how you keep disappearing."

She shrugged it off with a smile. He asked for her contact information, eager to stay connected. With a bright smile, she shared her phone number. When he inquired about where she lived, she pointed to the street directly across from them. "I live in House number 22, right over there," she said, her eyes sparkling.

Curious, he recalled their earlier conversation. "But why did you say you didn't have a home that night?" he asked.

She laughed lightly, her innocence shining through. "Oh, I was just kidding," she replied, making him chuckle at her playful nature. 

Feeling a surge of camaraderie, he shared his own contact information. "Here's my number too," he said, entering his details in her phone, including his living address at number 45 on the same street. "If you ever need anything or need any medical assistance, don't hesitate to reach out, I'm a doctor.

As days turned into weeks, their friendship deepened, filled with laughter and shared moments that drew them closer together. 

Was this the beginning of the love he'd always longed for, or was he just setting himself up for heartache again?

Hey everyone, do vote for it, and tell me in the comments how you like it. I'd love to read your thoughts about it.....

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