Ch. 1

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     "Lily, talk to me."

     The room was silent. It was wide and packed with furniture. Old torn blue couches on top of a large dark carpet was all now set aflame. The coffee table that used to be a light brown was now ash black. Windows were fully shielded by dark flowing curtains having their tails dancing with sparks of heat. The glass was scratched in many places but not torn. No matter how many times she tried, neither window shattered. The old books she had tossed were now flooded with flames. The locks on each pane were glued and had never budged with force against them. After if attempting to free herself from the building, her eyes dropped at the horror. The front door was now blocked and same with the kitchens back door that led to the small backyard. No matter how hard she had pushed on each, they never moved an inch. It was like something outside was in the way, preventing any door from opening.

     The girl, Lily, standing 5'4 and being only 15 ran up the creaky steps in fear. Before taking those steps up she had grabbed for her precious book. It was a gift from someone special to her. A friend, she would say. She had grabbed it to keep it from going up in flames like everything else.
     Before anything happened she was just sitting on the couch watching television. On normal days the tv would be occupied by her dad. He would always claim it before she even made it home from school. Always had either a new series he's grown addicted to or a random football game on. He would often joke around saying, "ha ha, you were to slow, Lily." She would just laugh and head off to her own room to either watch things on her phone or text her best friend.
     Tonight was just different. She was given the opportunity to stay home alone for a whole night. Her parents had a show to attend to which was a 4 hour drive away. Her dad had surprised her mom with tickets for it a few weeks before. Lily had no idea if the day was a special occasion or not but didn't think much of it. She was just excited to have the house to herself for a Friday night.
     "Don't throw a party or anything."

      "Mom, you know I don't do party's." Lily laughed. "What show are you even seeing?"

      "What we are seeing isn't important. You know how to use the stove right? We have left over lasagna from the other night so try and eat that before we have to throw it out." Lily nodded as both her lively parents made it out the front door.
     "Love you, Lily."
They had called, both eager to get to where they were heading. She waved them off with a smile from the small porch of their beautiful lovely home. She then head back inside to cool down from the afternoon heat. Even standing out there for a second was enough for her to start sweating. She had quickly poured herself a glass of grape juice and sat down on the couch to relax. Turning on the tv she smiled as she flipped through the channels, finally acknowledging that she really did have the whole house to herself.

     She didn't know exactly how it started but it did right in front of her eyes. One second she was laughing at one of those stupid prank shows that had just came on, the next she felt a warmth grow near her left arm. Lifting up her phone she noticed a light reflecting off it's black screen. A small flame stood there mocking her. It was just the size of a dime at the time but it was all but enough to make the teen panic. In that exact minute she didn't know what to do but empty her leftover juice on that flame. It worked for a second before the flame decided to grow in size.
     Reaching for her phone she dialed for help only to find her call rudely interrupted with a blank screen. Her phone went black as if it were dead. It was at least charged to 50 percent but now she found it dead. She didn't know what to do but scream and run for the door.

     It had only been 2 hours since her parents left. It was only 5:30 in the afternoon on a Friday. What a time for chaos to happen. She would hate to have just ruined her parents trip over something this dumb. A small fire that she had accidentally caused. Her parents knew she wasn't a trouble maker, they knew she was a good girl. She had made decent grades, had a small group of friends and had never once been given detention or any referrals. What would her parents think with having the cops calling them down. Have them thinking she caused the fire. She wouldn't be allowed to stay home alone ever again.

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