First day

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Running...why is she running, Y/N didn't know. All she knew was she couldn't stop. How did she even get here, being chased by these scary yet weirdly beautiful men? The weirdly beautiful men who were weirdly obsessed with her. She could remember it like it started last month, probably because it did.

One Month Ago

Y/N stepped into her new dorm excitedly. Today was her first day of college and the first year of her life as an adult. As soon as she stepped through the door, she bumped into someone's back the girl she bumped into turned around with a scowl on her face, "What the actual fuck" the girl growled. "O-Oh I'm so so s-sorry I-I-" the girl cut Y/N off "No it's fine girl, you just like totally startled me, my names Amelia and you're...." this time Y/N spoke up a bit more confidently "I-I'm Y/'s nice to meet you" she could tell this could be a great opportunity for an amazing friendship.

After a couple of hours of getting to know her new best friend the title being set by Amelia herself, Y/N settled into her bed tired after a long day. Taylor Swift...that's what she woke up to, Taylor Fing Swift, as much as she loved the woman's music she didn't know if she wanted to wake up to 'I Knew You Were Trouble' first thing in the morning.

Y/N Pov

I opened my eyes groggily and groaned, this fucking song is going to be in my head all day I can tell. After prying myself out of bed I was greeted by an egg and cheese McMuffin and a hashbrown, and also Amelia who was already dressed and munching on her own. "Sup bitch got food", god I think I'm in love gotta love a girl who provides for her own. I grabbed the food tiredly and started to eat "Swifty, huh", I said quietly, "Oh you fucking know it" the way too energetic girl responded. Well... it was time to get ready for the day myself.

After getting my outfit on, a regular PTV hoodie and some sweatpants I went on the voyage I knew I'd have to take to find my first class Early Childhood Development. On my way there I bumped into yet another person but this chest was firm, almost like a brick wall, it sent me tumbling to the floor but I was caught by big...strong arms. My gaze went up to apologize and thank my savoir but I was stopped by big beautiful green orbs...they were obviously contacts but I could tell even if it was his natural eye color it'd be just as beautiful or even more so. "Thank you for catching me I'm sorry for bumping into you," I said without stuttering somehow. The gorgeous man smiled at me, his boxy smile that would've made my knees buckle if his arms weren't still around me. "It's alright, be careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt next time" The strange boy smiled and winked at me again before walking away.

A few hours had passed since I bumped into the handsome man and for some reason, it was clouding my head. Later in the day, I was in my history of art class, and the boy I bumped into was still on my mind. While deep in thought I was tapped on my shoulder by someone behind me, I turned around to see yet another gorgeous man, "Hey do you think I can borrow a pencil" he asked quietly, I went digging through my satchel to hand him one, "" I said shyly. By the end of class, I learned the boy's name was Jungkook and managed to get his number. Once it was time for our break period me and Jungkook headed to the cafeteria to continue the conversation we had in class, on the way there I bumped into yet another chest. I looked up only to see the boy before and another slightly shorter boy standing next to him. "Wow, we really need to stop meeting each other like this" the boy with the nice boxy smile from earlier said. Jungkook turned to me with a smile "Y/N these are my friends Taehyung and Jimin".

"I-It's nice to meet you" I muttered shyly, "hey, Jimin that's the cutie I told you I bumped into earlier" Taehyung said with a chuckle making my face turn red. All of a sudden I was being pulled away quickly and when I turned to see who it was I saw Amelia's strawberry blonde hair. "That's Kim Taehyung, girl stay away from him there's bad, bad rumors about that boy going around, him and his friends," she said ominously, "Rumors like what A?" I asked quietly, "Apparently they're like in a dangerous gang or something, they get into a lot of fights too they're just bad news girl.", "cmon Amelia you can't seriously believe that, those are just rumors they might not even be true," I said dismissively not knowing how truly wrong I was... I couldn't even begin to comprehend the obsession that would soon grow in their hearts and 4 others.

(A/N: This is my first fanfic like ever so helpful criticism in encourage but hate is not.)

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