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Chapter 1: A Picture-Perfect Beginning

Middle school was the time of golden afternoons and laughter-filled memories for Jisoo and Taehyun. They had always been close, their houses next door to each other, their lives intertwined in the simplest, most natural way. From playing basketball after school to walking home together with their backpacks slung lazily over one shoulder, it was a friendship that everyone admired. The sun seemed to shine a little brighter when they were together, the days feeling a little longer, and the nights a little warmer.

Taehyun, with his strikingly beautiful features, was a breath of fresh air to everyone who met him. His playful nature made him a favorite among their classmates, but it was his kind heart and infectious smile that drew people in. His laughter could fill a room, and though he struggled with his studies, no one could stay frustrated with him for long. He had a charm that was hard to resist.

Jisoo, on the other hand, was the quiet type. Calm and composed, he excelled in both academics and sports, his sharp intellect and athletic prowess making him stand out. He was everything Taehyun wasn't—steady, reliable, and focused. But despite their differences, or maybe because of them, the two boys were inseparable. Jisoo always admired Taehyun's carefree spirit, while Taehyun adored Jisoo's quiet strength.

It was one of those bright, golden afternoons when the first crack in their perfect world began to form. They were walking home, as usual, the late summer sun casting long shadows across the street. Taehyun was rambling about something silly, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke, while Jisoo listened with a faint smile on his lips.

"I swear, Jisoo, I almost tripped over my own feet during basketball practice today. The coach was not impressed," Taehyun laughed, tossing his hair back. His beauty was almost ethereal in the soft light, his face glowing with youthful exuberance.

Jisoo shook his head, chuckling at Taehyun's antics. "You really need to pay more attention. Coach is going to bench you if you keep that up."

Taehyun nudged him playfully, grinning. "Not if I keep scoring the way I do. Even you can't beat my record from last game."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow, his competitive side flaring up. "I could beat you anytime, Taehyun. Don't get cocky."

They both laughed, the kind of laughter that comes easily when you're young and life seems uncomplicated. But as they neared their homes, a quiet settled between them, and Jisoo found his mind wandering. He glanced over at Taehyun, who was still smiling, unaware of the sudden weight in Jisoo's chest.

That night, as Jisoo lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he couldn't shake the feeling that had settled in his heart. It had been there for a while now, this strange, unnameable feeling whenever he was around Taehyun. At first, he had brushed it off, convincing himself that it was nothing more than admiration for his best friend. But as the days passed, it grew harder to ignore.

There were moments—fleeting, almost imperceptible—where Jisoo found himself looking at Taehyun in ways that felt... different. It wasn't just admiration. It was something more, something deeper, something that scared him. His heart would race when Taehyun's hand brushed against his or when their eyes met for a little too long. And it wasn't just friendship anymore.

But Jisoo wasn't ready to admit that, not to himself, not to anyone. So he kept it buried, deep inside, hidden beneath layers of logic and reason. Taehyun was his best friend. That's all this was. That's all it could be.

The next few weeks passed in a blur of schoolwork and basketball games. Jisoo and Taehyun continued to spend time together, but there was an unspoken tension building within Jisoo. Every time Taehyun laughed or smiled, every time he stood a little too close, Jisoo's chest would tighten, and he'd find himself pulling away, just slightly. Taehyun didn't seem to notice, or if he did, he never mentioned it.

One afternoon, they were sitting on the steps outside their school, watching the other students head home. Taehyun was leaning back, his head tilted towards the sky, eyes closed as he basked in the warm sunlight. Jisoo, sitting beside him, couldn't help but steal a glance at him. There was something about the way the light played across Taehyun's face, something that made Jisoo's heart skip a beat.

"Hey," Taehyun said suddenly, opening his eyes and turning to Jisoo. "Do you ever think about the future? Like, where we'll be in a few years?"

Jisoo hesitated, not sure how to respond. The future had always been something he thought about in terms of his studies and basketball, but now, with Taehyun's question hanging in the air, it felt more complicated than that.

"Yeah," Jisoo finally said, keeping his voice steady. "I think about it sometimes."

Taehyun smiled, that easy, carefree smile that always made Jisoo feel like everything was okay. "I bet you're going to be some big-shot lawyer or doctor or something, while I'll probably be struggling to pass math."

Jisoo laughed, but there was an edge to it that he couldn't quite hide. "You'll be fine, Taehyun. You always figure things out."

Taehyun's smile softened. "You really think so?"

Before Jisoo could answer, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Taehyun stood up, stretching his arms above his head. "Come on, let's head home. My mom's making japchae tonight."

Jisoo nodded and stood, following Taehyun down the steps. But as they walked home, Jisoo couldn't stop thinking about the future Taehyun had mentioned. A future where things might change. A future where they might not be as close as they were now. The thought filled him with an unfamiliar sense of dread.

Later that night, lying in bed again, Jisoo's mind replayed the day's events over and over. The way Taehyun had smiled at him, the way he had laughed, the way his heart had pounded in his chest at every small touch, every lingering glance.

Jisoo sighed, closing his eyes. He couldn't let this feeling get in the way. Taehyun was his friend, his best friend. That's all it had to be.

But deep down, Jisoo knew that things were already starting to change.

And he wasn't sure if he was ready for what that meant.

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